NASCO - History of Changes

2023-10-12 delete source_ip
2023-10-12 insert source_ip
2023-10-12 insert source_ip
2023-10-12 update website_status InternalTimeout => OK
2022-09-05 update website_status OK => InternalTimeout
2022-08-06 insert career_pages_linkeddomain
2022-05-30 insert about_pages_linkeddomain
2022-05-30 insert career_pages_linkeddomain
2022-05-30 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2022-04-03 delete ceo Don George
2022-04-03 delete cio David Kaercher
2022-04-03 delete cio Lachlan Tidmarsh
2022-04-03 delete evp David Kaercher
2022-04-03 delete president Don George
2022-04-03 delete svp Lachlan Tidmarsh
2022-04-03 delete person Bill Fandrich
2022-04-03 delete person David Kaercher
2022-04-03 delete person Don George
2022-04-03 delete person Lachlan Tidmarsh
2022-04-03 delete person Laureen Riggin
2022-04-03 delete person Mark Barnard
2022-04-03 delete person Vicki Hildebrand
2022-02-15 delete cio Richard Lynch
2022-02-15 delete cto David Weeks
2022-02-15 delete svp David Weeks
2022-02-15 insert ceo Don George
2022-02-15 insert president Don George
2022-02-15 delete person Richard Lynch
2022-02-15 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2022-02-15 insert person Don George
2022-02-15 insert person Vicki Hildebrand
2022-02-15 update person_title David Weeks: Senior Vice President; CTO => Senior Vice President & Chief Digital and Technology Officer
2021-02-09 delete person Vicki Hildebrand
2021-02-09 insert person Jim Veiger
2020-10-12 delete cio Beth O'Rorke
2020-10-12 delete cio Bill Fandrich
2020-10-12 delete cio Doug Blackwell
2020-10-12 delete cio Vicki Hildebrand
2020-10-12 delete evp Bill Fandrich
2020-10-12 delete evp Jennifer Vachon
2020-10-12 delete svp Doug Blackwell
2020-10-12 delete vp Vicki Hildebrand
2020-10-12 insert cio Lachlan Tidmarsh
2020-10-12 insert cio Richard Lynch
2020-10-12 insert svp Lachlan Tidmarsh
2020-10-12 delete person Beth O'Rorke
2020-10-12 delete person Dan Galdenzi
2020-10-12 delete person Doug Blackwell
2020-10-12 delete person Jennifer Vachon
2020-10-12 delete person Jeri Lose
2020-10-12 insert person Lachlan Tidmarsh
2020-10-12 insert person Laureen Riggin
2020-10-12 insert person Mark Barnard
2020-10-12 insert person Richard Lynch
2020-10-12 update person_description David Weeks => David Weeks
2020-10-12 update person_title Bill Fandrich: Executive Vice President; Chief Information Officer => Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer / Executive Committee - Chair; Member of the Executive Board
2020-10-12 update person_title Vicki Hildebrand: Vice President; Chief Information Officer => Vice President and Chief Information Officer / Executive Committee - Vice Chair
2020-02-06 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2019-05-27 insert cio David Kaercher
2019-05-27 insert evp David Kaercher
2019-05-27 delete person David Corkum
2019-05-27 insert person David Kaercher
2017-08-14 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain
2017-07-10 delete person Dave Bryan
2017-07-10 delete person Joe H. Hohner
2017-07-10 insert person Bill Fandrich