Andrew Houston - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Business Consultant
  • Founder
  • Owner
Let's face it; you want to work with someone you can relate to, someone who really gets the trades. You want to ensure you're speaking to a man who knows not just business, but trades-specific businesses. You want someone who knows the team communication issues you face, the confrontations you have with your suppliers, the struggles in finding qualified employees, and how tough it is to showcase your value to the clients who just want to nickel and dime you… I've got a proven track record of helping all types of trades companies and the reason I do so well is because I'm a tradesman myself. I'm a non-practicing, but still proud to say, a Certified Industrial Controls Electrician. I have not only worked in the field, but have owned my own company and sold it successfully. I started to do business coaching back in 2000 shortly after I realized how much my contracting business and personal life was at a crossroads. I remember the night I came home, having just gotten off the phone hours past closing time. I was late for dinner again. I could see the disappointment in my wife's eyes as the babysitter was packing up her things, having stayed late yet again. I excused myself to go shower and as I headed back down to see my family it struck me that I hadn't truly hugged them in years- that I hadn't truly been present with them, enjoying life, having fun, witnessing them grow up, in years. I made a decision that night to put family first and so that's what changed my career path. I am passionate about helping contractors who are going through the same chaos I once went through on the daily. I've spent the last decade structuring a system, that enables contractors of all types, to create a business that gives them the ability to scale the business behind them- that gives them the freedom, money, and control they deserve.

Liam Morin

Job Titles:
  • Coach
  • Sales Manager
Liam is a resourceful coach with a focus on customer service. He has managed, led, and motivated small and large teams delivering extremely high level customer experience. He is responsible for connecting with alliances, sharing our brand, and coaching PFC members. He thrives in a fast-paced environment where he can work individually and in a collaborative environment to accomplish the company's goals and strategic objectives.

Robert Houston

Job Titles:
  • Web Developer and Reputation Marketing Specialist
Robert Houston has been helping tradesmen with their reputation marketing for a while now. Robert helps with online and offline reputation marketing; ensuring websites are running beautifully and efficiently, getting you higher on Google's search pages, and ensuring client feedback is handled well online whether through social media, google, or your own website. Robert is also great with technology and tackles building and maintaining our website and membership site!

Stephanie Cansfield

Job Titles:
  • Marketing / Designer & Admin
Stephanie comes from a graphic design background- she took multiple creative courses at Algonquin College. At Profit for Contractors, she designs all tools and templates for clients, edits the website, creates and edits videos, and handles all social media and administrative duties. If you ever have questions or concerns, she‘s the one who'd be helping you out- and she won't stop until you are satisfied.