COR STUDIO - Key Persons

Heather Stevenson

Heather believes exercise is a vital component in ones overall sense of health and well-being. She has been a group fitness instructor for over 15 years. After the birth of her fourth child she discovered the power of Pilates to not only strengthen the core but to transform the way we think about exercise. She is excited to bring her background in group fitness and her love of pilates together as an instructor at Cor.

Pat Hudson

Pat holds the only nationally sanctioned Pilates certification (NCPT) and is a Certified Yamuna Body Rolling Practitioner among many other certifications and educational experiences. Founder of Cor Pilates in 2005, her teaching philosophy went through a significant shift after a year-long mentorship with Wendy LeBlanc-Arbuckle at the Pilates Center of Austin. She is eternally grateful for her studies with Wendy, Karena Thek-Lineback, founder of Scolio Pilates, Michele Larssen, protege of Eve Gentry in Santa Fe, New Mexico, Leslie Clayton, long time owner of the first Pilates studio in the Atlanta area and many more gifted teachers and students too numerous to name. She believes education does not, by itself, make a good teacher. She knows teaching is a partnership with her student and continuously strives to find new and better ways to inform others of the innate intelligence of their own bodies so they can perform at their highest level and live easily and without physical discomfort. Pat Hudson is currently not instructing any classes.

Paula Aguirre

Paula started taking ballet at 2 years old and continued dance classes in tap, jazz, lyrical and pointe until the age of 18, participating in her studio's performance class as well as school dance teams. She moved to Macon in 2001 to attend Mercer University School of Engineering. When her son was born in 2006, she became a stay at home mom. A few years later, after her daughter was born in 2009, Paula found herself longing to reconnect with her dance background and found Cor Pilates. She noticed the way Pilates changed her body and made her feel better. It even improved the symptoms of her lymphedema and her auto-immune condition - POTS. After 3 years of practicing, Paula took the opportunity to become a certified instructor. She has been teaching Pilates since 2016 and always looks forward to sharing the many benefits of Pilates with others while continuing to learn and grow in her personal practice and as a teacher.