DELRAY DECOR - Key Persons

Hazel McGuire

Job Titles:
  • Interior Designer
Biography HAZEL McGUIRE, Interior Designer, hails from Birmingham, Michigan, although south Florida has been home since 1976. Hazel has been involved in the design arena since graduating from Wayne State University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in their interior design program. When asked by her part time college employer to stay on after graduation in a full time advertising position, she declined saying, "My degree is in interior design and that is where I am headed". She has never regretted that decision nor looked back. Hazel finds great joy in combining a hobby of antiquing and collecting with beautiful furnishings. After teaming up with Virginia Courtenay in Delray Beach, with an emphasis on furnishing oceanfront properties, Hazel founded delray decor and licensed The Virginia Courtenay Collection. Hazel continues to rise to each occasion with the exuberance of someone who has never lost their enthusiasm for interior design nor wanted to be doing anything else.

Matthew McGuire

Job Titles:
  • Project Manager