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1020 Lotus Dr. Alton, VA 24520
The Global Center for Automotive Performance Simulation (GCAPS) is a Virginia Tech affiliated company that is revolutionizing the automotive industry. GCAPS provides mathematical modeling, advanced tire research, vehicle simulation, and various algorithms for virtual vehicle technology development. The Center specializes in independent simulation, testing, research, and assessments to complement or supplement activities performed by global vehicle manufacturers, tire manufacturers, suppliers, and motorsports teams... GCAPS provides and utilizes accurate models to support virtual development for the mobility industry. The simulation group, the members of which have significant experience ranging from mathematical model development to graphic design to tire mechanics, has the advanced skills needed for successful model creation. These models-including tire models, vehicle models, and environments-are created from both customer data sources and physical testing performed in GCAPS'..
Also known as: Global Center for Automotive Performance Simulation, VTT, VTT LLC
Associated domains: gcaps.us, nationaltireresearchcenter.com, southernvirginiavehiclemotionlabs.com, sovamotion.com, sovamotion.org, sovavehiclemotionlabs.com