Debbie Smith

Debbie Smith is a woman on a mission for God. At the age of 7, she migrated to the United States from the beautiful island of Grenada, also known as the Spice Island. Her parents were determined to provide a better future and knew opportunities back home were limited. Debbie was taught at an early age that the key to success was education. As such she obtained her Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice and went on to obtain a Master's Degree in Human Resource Management. Never quite finding a place where she fit in, she knew there had to be something more. After many years in Corporate America, Debbie lost her job and made a decision that she would never allow someone to have that kind of control over her time, finances, or future ever again. She recognized that she could not successfully be the wife and mother God had called her to be if she spent most of her time commuting just so she could build someone else's dream. When Debbie first came to America, she was very shy and because of her West Indian accent, she was constantly bullied. As a result she did not like to speak in front of anyone. It was hard for her to make friends and she rarely participated in class. But God indeed has a sense of humor and He had a great plan for Debbie's life. God has taken that shy girl who was terrified to speak in front of a crowd and has gifted her with the skill of public speaking. Today, Debbie travels across the US for speaking engagements. Passionate about helping others reach their full potential, she enjoys speaking to people about dreaming again and living a purpose-driven life. As a wife and mother, Debbie believes God has a definite plan for her life. She has given the Lord full permission to use her as He will and she is very excited about what the future holds. Debbie Smith give new meaning to the term Power Couple. With a foundation built on their belief in God, they enthusiastically embrace their mission to help others reach their full potential in life. Edward and Debbie are business partners, friends, and lovers. Together, they are raising three children while building two businesses, leading out Couples' Ministry in their church, and growing as Life Navigators. Edward and Debbie both understand the devastating effect of divorce from their personal experience. Because of this, they have determined to become champions for marriage! They understand that strong marriages lead to strong children and families, which lead to strong churches, which lead to strong communities. The Smiths enjoy doing all things together. They often travel from state to state speaking to others about entrepreneurship and business ownership. They both have a passion for families and enjoy facilitating workshops and retreats for couples and families. As Life Navigators, they are committed to helping others aim higher and reach further. Edward and Debbie have a big vision for the future. It is a vision that involves helping as many people as they can develop a progressive mindset so they can live life to the fullest potential. It is a vision they fully plan on realizing because ALL things are possible with God!

Edward Smith

Leaving his beloved homeland of Jamaica at the age of 28, Edward migrated to the United States to pursue the American Dream. Taking full advantage of the opportunities available, he earned his Bachelor's Degree in Business Management (Hons.) and went on to have successful careers in the mortgage and social services industries. Passionate about music, he has sung in many groups and has also managed, produced, and written for various artists. A man of God, Edward is a family man and loves his wife and children. Always an entrepreneur at heart, together with his wife, he has found an opportunity that allows him to regain his time while building income that will change generations to come.