Andrew McHale - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Founder
I have dedicated my career to the craft and process of fine building-the love of which I've instilled in Design Line's approach to projects.

Dan Wolf

Job Titles:
  • Projects Business
For me the beauty of construction is in the journey, with a focus on process and people. Strong, trusted relationships are at the center of my work at Design Line and, I believe, are the key to successful projects. I work hard to form enduring connections with clients, architects, designers, subcontractors and consultants, and to enrich the experience through supportive teamwork distinguished by integrity, fairness and open communications. From an early age I developed a love of art and architecture and pursued the latter as my career. But in 2007 I took a job in construction and discovered a passion for building…and haven't looked back since. My architecture background gives me a holistic perspective on meeting the challenges of planning and executing complex projects, with sensitivity to the architect's vision and a deep understanding for how to meet the highest design intent.

Lisa Boucher

Job Titles:
  • Senior Project Manager
Building someone's home is a highly individualized, collaborative endeavor, and I take my role in managing the details of each residence seriously. I've found that listening is the key to successful project delivery, beginning with listening to the client's vision for the experience ahead. From this foundation I'm able to tailor a course that addresses their specific goals, and to illuminate the construction process appropriately as we go. Though I've been shepherding high-end residential projects of all scales and complexities since 2001 I still look forward to learning from the unique design demands and parameters of each new project. I enjoy immersing myself in the particular opportunities and challenges they pose, and forming close partnerships with the clients' teams and my counterparts on the job sites.

Michael Muzzatti

Job Titles:
  • Lead Estimator
I love the process of building a job on paper. Interacting and working together with our project partners-architects, engineers, consultants and subcontractors-is another aspect of estimating that I really enjoy, as we strategize the best way for bringing a project to life.

Naoto De Silva

Job Titles:
  • Controller
As a natural born lover of data-with a healthy obsession for logistics-I am always striving for efficiency, transparency and process improvements in my role as the fiscal officer and fiduciary for Design Line. I lead Finance with my head and Human Resources with my heart, and take pride in ensuring our employees and clients are taken care of by providing the highest level of service in these areas. Always mindful of the big picture and how my work shapes the company, I work closely with my trusted team to ensure DLC's financial well-being and to deliver accurate information in service to those around me. Previous to joining the Design Line team I spent many years working with small, scrappy, start- up companies building out accounting infrastructure, building teams and creating transparency for Boards, donors, investors and owners. Among my favorite projects were helping to scale a non-profit solar venture, ands working with a dynamic group to create sustainable wage jobs for workers in underdeveloped parts of the world.

Ron Thompson

Job Titles:
  • Senior Project Manager
Great team-building is critical, and is something I very much enjoy. It starts with identifying the best people to execute a project based on its particular complexities and their strengths, and then managing them toward a shared goal. I liken it to a great coach, or conductor, who leads their team with amiable, straightforward, responsive guidance-sharing knowledge, and providing the encouragement needed to help individuals realize they are capable of more than they originally thought. Here at Design Line that goal is a smooth, thoughtful process, a fantastic building, and a happy client. The level of detail and craftsmanship is significant in this work, which requires the ability to be patient. Keeping people on an even keel as we work through the various challenges is also a key part of my role. I take pride in earning a strong level of trust with design teams and consultants, as I help work through the complexities of developing a design from concept into built form. There is an art to collaboration, to which I bring a great appreciation for creativity and aesthetics, and a lifetime working on architecturally significant residential, civic and commercial buildings. As a fourth generation San Franciscan, I'm deeply invested in the Bay Area and the long-term relationships I make in my work. No two projects are the same, and the highly customized nature of each design, site and circumstance is a welcome opportunity to help our team build better.