Army Range

Job Titles:
  • Safety Officer
Since January 2013,he has been employed as an independent contractor for DoD at AFETA. As a DoD firearms instructor, his duties and responsibilities include basic and advanced firearms instruction as well as performing range safety officer supervision.

Naval Special

Job Titles:
  • Instructor
  • Warfare Close Quarters Combat Range Safety Officer
  • Warfare Fire and Maneuver Range Safety Officer
  • Warfare Laser Range Safety Officer
13 year veteran of the US Naval Special Warfare, SEAL. Rick's secondary responsibility over the past 20 years has been in the combat medical field. Other specialties include Breacher/Methods of entry, Military Free Fall, and Combat Diving. After separating from the Navy in the fall of 2007 Rick worked as an independent contractor supporting the global war on terror. Currently he is working as an independent contractor instructor/medic at (AFETA) Armed Forces Experimental Training Activity Department of Defense. He currently serves as a certified lead firearms instructor for the DOD, as well as a cadre member for Combat Medical course. He began working at the Armed Forces Experimental Training Activity (AFETA) as an independent contractor on 15 November 2013. As a certified Department of Defense firearms instructor, his daily tasks include basic and advanced firearms instruction and range safety supervision.