Jerry Whitehead

Job Titles:
  • Director of Sales & Marketing
Jerry Whitehead- Director of Sales & Marketing - Forty years of computer programming, management and systems development with the last twenty-eight years being directly involved in the tax and appraisal business in the State of Texas. Jerry was instrumental in the development of the first online Tax Collections and Appraisal system used by Texas counties. His knowlege and experience in this local government arena is unmatched.

Scott McBride - COO, Treasurer

Job Titles:
  • Director of Operations
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
Scott McBride - Secretary/Treasurer, Director of Operations - Twelve years experience in tax and appraisal programming with emphasis on reports design, implementation and statistical analysis. Responsibilities include management of customer support. Three years experience in project management in the commercial real estate field.

Scott Whitehead - President

Job Titles:
  • Director of Development
  • President
Scott Whitehead- President, Director of Development - Seventeen years experience in tax and appraisal software development and design. Designed and developed three complete appraisal systems and two tax collection systems for use in the State of Texas. These systems were successfully installed and implemented in more than thirty counties within the state of Texas.

Scotty Moore

Job Titles:
  • Director of Systems Implementation
Scotty Moore - Director of Systems Implementation - Thirteen years experience in tax and appraisal programming, database management and customer relations. Hardware configuration and implementation experience in more than seventy five site installations.