Ashleigh Hazley

Job Titles:
  • Senior Manager of Programming & Community Engagement / Muhammed Ali Center

Brianna Craddock

Job Titles:
  • Program Committee Chair

Caitlin Kannapell

Job Titles:
  • Media Artist

Julia Black

Job Titles:
  • Integration Leader / Tri - Arrows Aluminum, Inc.

Lindsay Severance

Job Titles:
  • Teacher
Lindsay Severance is a teacher and an art enthusiast living and working in Louisville, Kentucky. She was born and rais ed in Gainesville, Florida, and moved to Louisville in 2017. Lindsay is a first-generation college graduate who has a BA in biology from The University of Florida with a focus on secondary education. Lindsay has been working with youth for over 10 years, including teaching in a 3-year-old pre-school class, working in after-school programs at low-income elementary schools, substitute teaching in middle schools, coaching girls lacrosse in high schools, and working many summers as a counselor. Lindsay loves to incorporate art in her teaching, especially when it relates to science. The continual advances in technology are changing the way students learn, connect, and interact every day. Skills developed by students through STEM provide them with the foundation to succeed at school and beyond. Lindsay met Caitlin and Rachel at a luncheon for Steam Exchange and loved the concept of using art to teach STEM. Lindsay's role is the Administration Assistant and Outreach Coordinator. She looks forward to expanding Steam Exchange and hopes to spread the word about what Steam Exchange is doing for the community it serves.

Melissa Gaddie

Job Titles:
  • Operations Committee Chair / Bookkeeper, Grimes & Associates, LLC

Mike Ydoate

Job Titles:
  • Treasurer / Controller - Accountant

Rachel Mauser

Rachel Mauser is a bookbinder and print maker living and working in Louisville, Kentucky. She is co-founder and Program Director of the Steam Exchange. Rachel holds a BFA in painting and art education from Murray State University in Murray, KY. She has taught paper making, printmaking, painting, mural painting, and bookbinding workshops in Louisville, in North Carolina, Los Angeles, Mexico, and Belize. Rachel completed the 2 year Core Fellowship at Penland School of Crafts in North Carolina in 2014 and was a recipient of the Center for Craft Crativity and Design's Windgate Fellowship in 2011 and the Windgate Project Grant in 2016. Her work has been shown at national and international art venues, including the Penland School of Crafts in NC, Todd Art Gallery in TN, and Murray Art Guild in KY, and the Whatcom Museum in Bellingham, WA. Rachel is passionate about using the arts to empower and uplift young people.

Shaun Jones

Job Titles:
  • Artist / Producer / Designer
Shaun Jones Is a Graphic Artist/Producer/Designer born and raised in Louisville, KY. Shaun is the Senior Intern at the Steam Exchange and has been a part of the Steam Exchange since it was founded in 2014. Shaun has always expressed himself in an artistic way, beginning with his love for music and drawing at a young age and later joining programs such as the school band and Steam Exchange. These programs helped him further hone his skills in music, drawing, design, and screen printing. Shaun's prints have been featured in museums in Kentucky, New York, and Ohio. Shaun also owns and runs his own production company and clothing line. He hopes to use his skills and ideas to further improve and create opportunities for youth.

Sheree Huber Williams

Job Titles:
  • Standing Secretary / Dean of Learning Commons

Stephanie White

Job Titles:
  • Fundraising Committee Chair / Owner, Louisville Family Fun