Jonathan Golovin - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder

Subhash Tantry

Job Titles:
  • CEO of Fox Technologies
  • Operating Partner
Subhash has 30+ years of leading turn-around of underperforming enterprise application software companies with a focus on technology innovation, focused go-to-market and operational excellence. As CEO of Fox Technologies, Subhash transformed the company into a global enterprise access and identity management platform, reorganized loss making operation to EBITDA positive and grew revenues 200% that led to a successful acquisition. As CTO of CenterBeam, he scaled the operating infrastructure to support 400% growth in installed base. Prior to that he was the co-Founder of Vigilance where, together with his co-founder Jonathan Golovin, he Established leadership in Business Activity Monitoring with more than 25 of the Fortune 500 as customers. Prior to that he was the Chief Application Architect at Accenture. Subhash has a B.Tech. from IIT Bombay and a MS from National Institute of Industrial Engineering.

Sunil Grover - Founder, Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Founder
  • Managing Director
Sunil has 20+ years of investment banking and technology business operations experience. He has captured over $1Bn in transaction value in M&A, Private Placements and capital raises. He has executed bulge bracket transactions at Morgan Stanley, mid-market transactions at martinwolf M&A advisors. As a technology entrepreneur, he was cofounder and CEO of a Software as a Service Company where he raised seed capital, built the product and took it to market. Subsequently, he acquired a VC-backed fledgling competitor and drove 300% year over year sales growth while maintaining cash flow break-even. He subsequently exited the business to an overseas investment group. At True Blue Partners, he brings these diverse perspectives to technology entrepreneur and investor clients. He brings the financial rigor available to bulge bracket investment banks, the deal making savvy of a mid-market banker and the scrappy perspective of a technology entrepreneur. Sunil has an MBA from Chicago Booth, MS Washington University and a B. Tech. from IIT Bombay. He has also authored several patents and has a black belt in Tae Kwan Do.