Rob Reynolds - Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Business Owner
  • Managing Director
Rob is a business owner, a purposeful leader, a leading learner in guiding a small or medium sized business to 10x at the next level, and a Collector of Next Moves. He is focused on Health and Wellbeing, as well as Quality Education. Rob has run his own businesses since 1999, including the Medical Invoicing and Collection company, HytheHopes Ltd. Strongly influenced by the work of Roger James Hamilton he has been a devotee of Wealth Dynamics since 2012. Rob was invited to be one of Roger Hamilton's changemakers at Fast Forward Your Business 2015, along with Penny Power, Andy Harrington, and Joanna Martin. He draws upon the teaching of a diverse range of Business experts, including Stephen R Covey, Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn and Verne Harnish. His highlight to date has been, in the business world, a week of learning on Necker Island with Sir Richard Branson and 28 other leading business owners in 2015. Prior to this he spent 22 years as an IT consultant working in a range of commercial sectors, including Retail Loans, Retail Banking, Insurance Broking, High Street Retailing, Local Government, and Communications. Originally trained as a Chemical Engineer, he also worked in Oil Refining and Car Manufacturing. Rob believes in the attitude of gratitude, and to this end, Elevatur Ltd supports the Global Giving Initiative B1G1.