Jessica Marcotte

Jessica Marcotte has been with Kniskern Music House since she completed her Bachelor of Science Degree studies at Plattsburgh State University. Jessica has a gift for teaching. Her students have had fun learning and, also have continued on with her for years. Both parents and children love Jessica's approach to teaching and, many times, parents have also taken up instruments with her. Jessica Marcotte teaches guitar, voice, violin, viola and piano. Her students' performances have been seen by many over the years during their recitals in Malls, Retirement homes and at the Saratoga Arts Center Stage. In addition, Jessica Marcotte has been involved, with Kniskern Music House, Inc. in developing programming for children with special needs. She has beautifully implemented her skills in this area both in Kniskern Music House Studios and in Helping Hands School, Clifton Park. Jessica Marcotte is also a composer and performing artist. She is a band leader, solo performer and has performed locally with other groups. Jess' performances always seem to ‘bring down the house'. Parents do agree that Jessica Marcotte is a good role model both personally and professionally for her students. There is always a positive, good rapport with all when she is involved. Kniskern Music House, Inc. has been very blessed to have had Jessica Marcotte as a strong part of this business since it's opening in 2003.