ONTOSOFT - Key Persons

Chris Mattmann

Job Titles:
  • Chief Architect
Chris Mattmann the Chief Architect in the Instrument and Data Systems section, at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California and an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Computer Science Department within USC's Viterbi School of Engineering. He is a Director and long time member of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), principal contributor to Apache Hadoop, Nutch, Tika, and OODT (NASA's first data management software at the ASF), an Executive Officer for the Federation of Earth Science (FES) Information Partners (ESIP), and has over 13 years experience building geosciences and open source software, and teaching it at USC. Dr. Mattmann co-chaired the NSF EarthCube Workflows workshop at the ESIP Summer 2012 meeting. In addition, Dr. Mattmann works on projects to address water resources management in the Western US and Alaska, in the areas of regional climate modeling within the context of the Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) and to construct a Snow and Ice Climatology as part of the U.S. National Climate Assessment (NCA). He has worked with remote sensing scientists at JPL for over 13 years, and continues to collaborate in and outside of academia and in the context of the ESIP Federation where he is a Type II representative, and Chair of the Open Source Cluster. His activities at the ASF include the formation of the Apache OCW Project.

Christopher J. Duffy

Job Titles:
  • Department of Civil
  • Professor
Chris Duffy is Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Penn State University. He was PI on the NSF Susquehanna/Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory (CZO) and is the lead scientist at Penn State developing integrated water cycle models for CZO earth science applications. He leads the development of the Penn State Integrated Hydrologic Model (PIHM) and the PSU HydroTerre Data System. He was an invited speaker for the EarthCube Digital Crust End User Workshop. He was co-PI of the EarthCube Workflows Community Group, and of the EarthCube Critical Zone End User Workshop.

Erin Robinson

Job Titles:
  • Community Director for the Federation of Earth Systems
Erin Robinson is the Information and Virtual Community Director for the Federation of Earth Systems (FES), supporting the diverse communities of practice that make up the Federation for Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP). Through her position with the FES, she has supported the EarthCube Governance Community Group since the initial phase of EarthCube. She has served as Community Engagement Co-I on all EarthCube governance awards, including the recent EarthCube Test Enterprise Governance (TEG) award. In this role, she leads community engagement strategy for the TEG, as well as extending collaboration services and infrastructure to other EarthCube-funded work.

James Howison

Job Titles:
  • Assistant Professor in the Information School of the University
James Howison is an Assistant Professor in the Information School of the University of Texas at Austin. He earned his Ph.D. from Syracuse University's School of Information Studies, where his dissertation brought together the study of motivation and organization among community-based Free and Open Source software projects, developing a theory of collaboration through superposition. He undertook a post-doc at Carnegie Mellon University in the School of Computer Science prior to going to the University of Texas at Austin. His research examines the impact of information technology, especially software, on the organization of work. His current work focuses on the organization of scientific software production. He has presented at the International Conferences for Information Systems (ICIS) and Software Engineering (ICSE) and the Academy of Management. He has been invited to speak at industry conferences including O'Reilly's eTech, OSCON, FOOcamp and SciFOO.

Scott D. Peckham

Job Titles:
  • Department of Hydrologic Sciences
Scott Peckham has served for 6 years as the Chief Software Architect for the NSF-funded Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS) in the Department of Hydrologic Sciences at the University of Colorado Boulder. His work has focused on CSDMS capabilities to support open-source models as reusable plug-and-play components, and author of open-source models in hydrology, sediment transport and landscape evolution. He has authored numerous, open-source, earth surface process models including a spatially-distributed hydrologic model called TopoFlow and a fluvial landscape evolution model called Erode. He is also CEO and founder of Rivix, LLC which sells a software product for terrain and watershed analysis called RiverTools. He has been an active supporter of the NSF EarthCube initiative since its inception, and was a co-PI on two EarthCube concept awards for Earth System Model (ESM) and Layered Architecture. He also co-authored the roadmap reports that were produced for NSF under these two awards. Peckham also participated in the EarthCube Digital Crust and Critical Zone community workshops, and co-organized and presented at the EarthCube Modeling community workshop. Peckham gave an invited presentation at an EarthCube workflow session at the Fall 2012 AGU meeting and was co-author of an invited presentation on Earth System Modeling. Dr. Peckham is also PI on a another EarthCube Building Block project to bridge vocabularies across modeling frameworks.

Yolanda Gil

Job Titles:
  • Director of Knowledge Technologies
Yolanda Gil is Director of Knowledge Technologies and Associate Division Director at the Information Sciences Institute of the University of Southern California, and Research Professor in the Computer Science Department. Her interactive knowledge capture group has produced hundreds of peer-reviewed papers and award-winning implemented systems in areas including intelligent user interfaces, knowledge-rich problem solving, scientific workflows, provenance, and metadata capture, recently initiating and co-chairing a W3C Group that led to a standard for provenance on the Web. Dr. Gil chaired the 2011 Workshop on Aquatic Ecosystem Sustainability, and has collaborators in diverse areas of geosciences including earthquake simulations, water quality monitoring, and ecology, and has presented at AGU, ESIP, and OGC. Dr. Gil led the EarthCube Workflow Community Group, one of the four initial EarthCube Communities established by NSF in 2012. The group produced a roadmap that describes the importance of scientific software reuse as workflows that can manage large computations, software evolution, and provenance tracking, and discusses the numerous interactions of the group with geosciences communities and other EarthCube groups. Dr Gil was co-chair of the EarthCube Early Career Workshop, whose discussions highlighted the need for the work described in this proposal.