Christopher Scott

Christopher Scott has worked on the Isle of Wight since 1984, working as a Chartered Surveyor and Development Consultant in bringing forward a variety of small to large commercial and residential schemes. He enjoys working with a multi-disciplined team to bring the right results for the client as a measure of success. He assists in site finding, planning, project management and has delivered projects on the Island such as:-

Jackie Realey

Job Titles:
  • Administrator
  • Research Assistant
Jackie Realey has joined the Planning & Development Hub having spent the majority of her professional career working in the Isle of Wight Planning Department. She has been Personal Assistant to 4 chief Planning Officers on the Island, and therefore is totally immersed in the planning system and how it works. Jackie has a very good understanding of the development process and policy. She joins the Planning & Development Hub as an Administrator and Research Assistant, adding to the planning and development experience within the Hub as it currently exists.

Phil Salmon

Job Titles:
  • Town Planning Consultant / Director
Phil Salmon has been committed to a career in Town Planning since 1985 and has been a full member of the Royal Town Planning Institute for over 21 years. Much of his time has been spent working for local authorities in development control, policy planning, and regeneration. He has developed skills in the interpretation and application of regulations, negotiation with stakeholders, and consultation with the community. During his 13 years at Portsmouth City Council, Phil attained the level of Regeneration Projects Team Leader and oversaw the determination of the authority's major regeneration projects. These included the development of the Somerstown Regeneration Project, an inner city housing and urban village renewal scheme. This came after spells at Gosport Borough Council, Hampshire, and MSJ Keys Young, a Sydney based architectural firm, where in 1990, he was involved in the drawing up of the initial masterplan for Homebush Bay, Sydney's Olympic sports venues and village site. More recently, Phil worked at the Isle of Wight Council for 8 years, where he held the position of Deputy Head of Planning Services overseeing the Development Control, Planning Appeals, and Enforcement. He had a key role influencing policy direction and strategic planning decision-making. Since moving back into the private sector in 2013, he has taken up an approach which emphasises his objective of seeking to achieve the right planning outcomes which are based on sound judgement, the meeting of development needs, and reducing risk for investors and developers wishing to deliver effective change. Phil has recently been dealing with the development of Island Harbour, a marina based leisure and holiday location, promoting major holiday development projects, and acting as planning agent for a number of key major housing schemes, including the provision of first time buyer homes in Oxfordshire, and the promotion of self-build and local builder community housing schemes on the Island. He has been championing the benefits of projects through the complexities of the planning system, to achieve the right outcome for both people and places.

Simon Craddock

Job Titles:
  • Planner / Director
Simon's academic background includes a BSc in Leisure Resource Management, an MSc in Ecotourism and an MA in Town & Country Planning. At present, he is a Licentiate Member of the RTPI. Simon is keen on exploring human interaction and the built environment; his dissertation and thesis were on ‘design against crime' in leisure buildings and residential properties, whilst his MSc Ecotourism thesis explored the process of changing cultures on a local, national and multinational level with respect to tourism policy.