Birkett Long

Job Titles:
  • Essex Solicitors

Claire Lewis

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board

Cllr Graham Butland

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board

Cllr Marie Goldman - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Director
  • Founder
  • Member of the Board
  • Deputy Leader of Chelmsford City Council
  • Member of the Success Essex Board
Marie Goldman is Deputy Leader of Chelmsford City Council where she is also the Cabinet Member for Connected Chelmsford - a portfolio that includes the museums, theatres, festivals and various cultural activities. Marie has a background in management consulting, having previously worked for the consulting firm Accenture, as well as working freelance across multiple industries. She specialises in system analysis, design and implementation. Marie is a founder and director of two small businesses related to the construction industry, and a start-up company in the live event ticketing sector. By being a member of the Success Essex Board, Marie hopes to play a key role in helping to develop and promote Essex's position as a key player in the future of a successful, global Britain. She believes the Success Essex Board will be vital in driving Essex forward - not just economically, but culturally, too. She says she is proud to call Essex her home and looks forward to helping to enable new and exciting opportunities across the county in the years to come. Marie lives in Chelmsford with her husband and two children.

David Rayner

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board

David Warnes

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board
David Warnes has been working in the Further Education sector for over 25 years. After qualifying as a lecturer in 1996, he started his teaching career at Richmond upon Thames College, teaching A-levels, vocational courses and assessing Apprenticeships. He progressed into various management positions, including Curriculum Director of IT, Business, Travel, Sport and Leisure. He then went on to chair the national network of Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVE) in Sport, before being seconded to work on the education programme for the London 2012 Olympics. David has been the senior strategic lead for Apprenticeships, Business Development and HE at both East Surrey College and London South East College, and latterly Deputy Principal at West London College, before joining Chelmsford College as Principal and Chief Executive in October 2022. David is a keen amateur gardener and walker, and particularly enjoys exploring the remote corners of the West coast of Scotland.

Eman Martin-Vignerte

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board
  • Bosch in 1999 As SW Engineer
Eman joined Bosch in 1999 as SW Engineer to work for common rail diesel engine, where she developed hardware and software for the Electronic Diesel Control system.

Fiona Bodle

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board
  • Assistant Director, Strategic Innovation, Anglia Ruskin University ( ARU )
Partnership working has been at the heart of my career to date. I enjoy creating and maintaining partnerships across a range of organisations and sectors, and engaging with Government innovation and growth agendas. I have worked with a range of public/private partnership boards and local Government committees throughout my career. My most recent experience of partnership working is from within the Higher Education sector. I have held a number of positions in local Government at both district and county level, and have worked closely with Members to provide professional support to deliver Council economic development priorities. I have also worked closely with Local Economic Partnerships helping to frame strategic economic plan priorities for prioritisation and LEP investment. I have a passion for innovation and sector development and feel really excited about the opportunities to support new technology clusters, building links between ARU's researchers and local business research and development teams. Developing a strong open innovation culture and supportive innovation eco-system presents a real opportunity to engage companies large and small to develop, adopt and commercialise new ideas needed for sustainable growth in Essex. I'm currently heading up a team at ARU to support the delivery of our strategic innovation ambitions; including the delivery of innovation centre facilities and support to SME businesses, innovation and sector development and creating partnerships with local stakeholders to deliver innovative multi-disciplinary/multi-sector responses to societal challenges, including future health and care, sustainability of the natural and built environment and resilient communities. I'm looking forward to working with partners on the Success Essex Board delivering new innovation facilities, securing innovation project investments and supporting the role that ARU can play as an Anchor Institution enabling inclusive growth.

Kirstie Cochrane

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board

Lara Fox

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board
  • Managing Director of Objective IT
Lara became Managing Director of Objective IT in 2019 after 7 years with the team. The most rewarding part of her role is seeing clients' businesses grow and thrive due to their investment in Objective IT's software development and analytics projects.