LAUB & LAUB LAW FIRM - Key Persons

Fred K. Maier

Fred K. Maier, Esq. Graduated from Golden Gate University, San Francisco, California and has been licensed to practice law in Nevada since 1995 NV 5705. His expertise is in the following areas: Workers' Compensation, Bankruptcy, and Personal Injury. Fred is also licensed to practice law in California and has done so since 1994 CA 174849.In practicing law for the past 25 years, Fred has found great joy in helping others with problems that they can't solve themselves. He met Joe Laub when he interned for him as a first-year law student during the summer in Lake Tahoe, CA.

Joe M. Laub

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member
Joe M. Laub, Esq. Graduated from California Western School of Law and has been licensed to practice law in Nevada since 1989 NV 3664. His expertise is in the following areas: Criminal Law, Personal Injury, and Workers' Compensation. Joe is also licensed to practice law in California and has done so since 1989 CA 141800. In practicing law for more than 30 years, Joe finds that his passion for law is in helping people who are at a disadvantage in legal matters. Joe spent several years working for other firms before joining Melvin Laub at the family law firm. Melvin Laub began Laub and Laub Law Firm in 1965. Though Joe's father has since retired, Joe still relies on his father's innate wisdom and continues with the firm's purpose to help the community.

Jordan R. Morgenstern

Jordan R. Morgenstern, Esq. Graduated from Western State University in California and has been licensed to practice law in California since 1988 CA 134046. His expertise is in the following areas: Criminal Law, Personal Injury, and Family Law. In practicing law for more than 30 years, Jordan has found that he enjoys a challenge. His clie In practicing law for more than 30 years, Jordan has found that he enjoys a challenge. His clients appreciate his tenacity and extensive experience in criminal law. He and Joe Laub were young attorneys together at Laub and Laub Law Firm in South Lake Tahoe, CA where Jordan became part of the team because Melvin Laub needed some help on Personal Injury case.

Nicholus "Nik" C. Palmer

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member
In practicing law for the past 14 years, Nik has found that his calm demeanor has been the steadying presence his clients genuinely appreciate. He met Joe Laub when he interviewed for a position at Laub and Laub Law Firm in Reno, NV