NEXUS - Key Persons

Angela Weir

Angela Weir (handwriting); McFadden, McNamee and McNamara (all fingerprint cases); Kempster (ear prints); Kevin Callan (neuro-pathology); Simon Hall (fibres); Ian & Angela Gay (salt poisoning); Lorraine Harris and four others (SIDS and shaken-baby), Pendleton (fresh evidence House of Lords); re. ‘P' (similar fact evidence joint trials House of Lords); Deen and Hanratty (DNA); Power, Ward (explosives). And Superintendent Ali Dizaei in two Trials and an Appeal. He has presented submissions to the UN HRC in Geneva on Israeli human rights violations and to a subcommittee of the UN GA in New York. He represented Alfie Meadows re the student demonstrations in London 2010.

Brian Richardson

Brian Richardson was called to the Bar in 2008 after many years working for campaigning groups, for organisations in the voluntary sector and within the trade union movement. During that time his work focused on challenging discrimination, promoting the statutory framework that resulted from Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 and new workers rights under the Employment Act 2002. He brings that passionate commitment to fighting institutional racism and promoting social equality and justice to his work as a barrister. He has a busy practice primarily in crime representing clients who have faced educational, economic and social exclusion. He combines this work with an ongoing and commitment to promoting greater inclusion within the legal system. In 2020 he spoke to students, pupils and barristers at Middle Temple about the challenge posed by the Black Lives Matter Movement. He has been a Visiting Lecturer in Law at City University London and a member of the team of lecturers and practitioners that has developed and delivered advocacy training programmes to students for the Socio Economic Rights Institute in South Africa in 2018 and 2019. Outside of work he remains a dedicated community activist. He is a regular public speaker and has also has written and edited books about educational exclusion, race equality and a short biography of the musician Bob Marley. He is a keen cyclist and follow of numerous sports including rugby, football tennis and rowing.

Canada Goose

Canada Goose UK Retail Ltd v. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Foundation and Persons Unknown [2017] EWHC 3735 (QB): Represented PETA in their application to vary a without notice interim injunction obtained against animal rights activists and organisations protesting outside Canada Goose's flagship West End store. The application succeeded with the restrictions and prohibitions imposed on protesters being significantly relaxed.

Christina Omideyi

Christina Omideyi was called to the Bar by Lincoln's Inn in July 1987. On completion of pupillage in a general common law set she practised briefly in chambers before going into local authority where she was to gain an all-round experience in civil litigation for seven and a half years. Her work as a housing lawyer in two deprived London boroughs covered all aspects of public sector housing making her a specialist in housing and judicial review. Christina returned to chambers in 1997 practising initially in housing, immigration and family law including the more specialised chancery family (recognition of foreign decrees, undue influence, wills and probate etc). Her reported cases include: Popowski - v - Popowski [2004] EWHC 668 Ch.D; Duhur-Johnson - v - Duhur-Johnson [2005] 2 FLR 1042

Danielle Buckett

Job Titles:
  • Members of Chambers
Danielle joined Chambers following the successful completion of her pupillage in 2021.

Dino Enahoro

Job Titles:
  • Solicitor

Family Law

We have a strong and dedicated team of family barristers with over 40 years of experience covering all aspects of family law, including private child law involving child arrangements orders between parents and public child law encompassing all aspect of care and adoption proceedings and child abduction.

Grenfell Tower

Grenfell Tower Inquiry - Hamish McCallum is currently instructed as seconded counsel (part-time) to the legal team which represents the majority of the bereaved, survivors and residents in the Grenfell Tower Inquiry and in respect of civil claims. Hamish is presently engaged in considering disclosure relating to government policies and actions in the aftermath of the fire

Hamish McCallum

Job Titles:
  • Trustee
Hamish is committed to fighting for justice and holding the state - including governments, the police and public bodies - to account. After being called to the bar in 2018, Hamish spent two years as part of the legal team representing bereaved, survivors and residents in the Grenfell Tower Inquiry. He joined Nexus Chambers following the successful completion of his pupillage and has quickly built a formidable practice in criminal and public law. Before coming to the law, Hamish had a successful career in politics, working as a senior advisor in the House of Commons and subsequently being elected himself as a local councillor. This experience makes Hamish well-suited to cases requiring an understanding of national and local governmental policies and processes. Hamish is also a trustee of a conservation charity, the Butlers Wharf Riverside Trust.

Jenny Boswell

Job Titles:
  • Law Specialist
Jenny is a family law specialist. She acts for parents, children's guardians and local authorities. She has over 20 years' experience in all aspects of public and private law cases relating to children and families. She is noted for the depth of her knowledge and experience in Care Proceedings, Adoption, Human Rights and childrens' rights. She has appeared regularly in the High Court in cases involving issues surrounding medical treatment of children and vulnerable adults. She has successfully applied for Geldof injunctions for well-known television personalities and her significant cases include that of Re M at the Court of Appeal, which dealt with contact denial for an autistic child, and Re B, which dealt with parental consent to a child's surgery.

Kevan Groves

Job Titles:
  • Principal

Lynton Orrett

Job Titles:
  • Solicitor
Lynton Orrett is a highly regarded criminal defence barrister who is sought after by professional and lay clients. He is well known for his depth of legal knowledge and being able to apply that in a constructive manner during trials. Lynton is typically engaged defending cases involving multiple defendants, his work encompasses the full range of complicated criminal law matters. Lynton's cases often attract media attention, two examples from this year are the trial of the British drill rapper Loski and the successful appeals arising from the Post Office scandal. Lynton has been representing vulnerable defendants for his whole career. Long before the vulnerable witness training provisions Lynton had training in communication skills and how to ensure that clients were really understanding and following proceedings.

Michael Mansfield

Job Titles:
  • Trustee of the Mental Health Charity, SOS Silence of Suicide
Michael Mansfield is not registered to accept Direct Access instruction. All instructions to Michael must be made via Instructing Solicitors. Michael has been engaged in assisting a team of Canadian lawyers mounting a challenge in relation to the Tar Sands environmental disaster on behalf of the Cree Nation. In the Spring of 2009 Michael was part of an independent lawyers mission to the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) investigating the operation of the military court system, a legacy of the British Mandate Michael was a member of the jury panel on the Russell Tribunal inquiry into the legal ramifications of Israel's human rights and humanitarian law violations in Palestine.

Niaz A Shah

Job Titles:
  • Professor in Law at the University
Niaz A Shah is a Professor in Law at the University of Hull teaching and researching human rights law; refugee law; Islamic law; public law and administrative law. He has worked for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) dealing with asylum cases and refugees. He has worked with / advised numerous governments and intergovernmental organisations such as the United Nations; European Union and the Commonwealth on their projects dealing with human rights; the rule of law and women's human rights. Professor Shah has also worked at the United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women (DAW), New York dealing with the first batch of cases before the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).  Professor Shah is a recognised expert on Pakistan and Afghanistan and regularly appears as expert witness before courts in the UK. Leading reported cases include:  Professor Shah has published a large number of monographs and peer reviewed articles which are available on his staff page at the University of Hull.

Robin Harrison

Robin Harrison is a defence barrister practising criminal law. He represents both individual clients and notably those appearing in multi handed cases overing drugs, violence, kidnap, fraud and other dishonesty offences

Vincent Parkin

Job Titles:
  • Professional Economist
Vincent was trained as a professional economist and spent over 20 years in the finance industry, working in investment banking, wealth management and asset management. He was a Managing Director with Credit Suisse and UBS and worked in London, New York and Sāo Paulo, Brazil.