Anton Cermak

Anton Cermak has been working in the finance sector for banks, insurance companies and investment advisors since 1986. He spent more than 15 years of that time in various leadership positions as a regional director, division manager and executive board member. Furthermore, he attended the Vienna University of Economics and Business, where he specialised in financial planning. Between 2011 and 2014, he was responsible for the private banking sector of a private bank in Vienna. He then established his own emerging investment consultancy company and ultimately incorporated it into Beacon Invest GmbH.

Harald Uidl

Harald Uidl worked in property procurement corporate consulting for a long time before joining Beacon Invest Group. As one of its co-founders, he contributed towards the establishment of Beacon Invest in 2017, having previously held prominent positions in distinguished companies. Through his financial training, he has gained expert knowledge in project management, development and board activities. Even during his studies at business school in Vienna's Neustadt (FH für Wirtschaftsberatende Berufe), he was gaining international experience through semesters abroad in Australia, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. He later completed additional training to become an organisation consultant, property broker and property manager.