INTRASENZE - Key Persons

Anders Henning - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
  • Partner
Co-founder and partner of Intrasenze. Global Sales Manager at Alarmtech AB. Former founder and CEO of Alarm System Sweden AB (ADI), technical sales and product manager at Alarmcom AB, which was acquired by Siemens Building Technologies. Chairman of the board of Intrasenze AB (Publ) since 2017. In Anders, Intrasenze has gained a large asset with Anders many years of experience in the security industry and his outstanding knowledge as a product specialist as well as his practical knowledge and good reputation, Anders track record is unbeatable.

Björn Anders Larsson - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
  • Partner
Co-founder and partner of Intrasenze. As a researcher in economics and organization at Lund University and a passion for social benefits, Björn-Anders is a worldwide unique expert in local development, social and economic analysis. Responsible in the Intrasenze Foundation for analysing the social benefits of safety and security linked to crimes. Several years of experience in sales and marketing in listed companies in Sweden. Through his unique competence, Björn-Anders maps communities and measure the improvement of increased targeted social work and the measurable benefits of UAN-SAFE.

Jan Kleist - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
  • Partner
Co-founder and partner of Intrasenze. Board member in several companies with excellence in business development and progress. Jan was the first CEO of Intrasenze AB (Publ) 2016-2017 and has over 30 years of experience within Ericsson AB (Publ) with leading positions in Stockholm, Asia and the USA. His extensive experience in business development including a MBA from Stockholm University, together with his skills in coaching executive's is highly appreciated and a perfect match for Intrasenze organization.

Martin von Arronet

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board

Tony Fahlström - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
Founder, inventor and partner of Intrasenze. Tony is an entrepreneur with extensive experience in startups and security companies, both as founder, CEO, investor and partner. Tony is the CEO of Intrasenze AB (Publ) since 2017 and the inventor of the patented method and system UAN-Safe at Intrasenze. Tony holds an alarm engineer certification and a certification as authorized master locksmith. He also holds a Board work certificate via Stockholm Chamber of Commerce.