MIC - Key Persons
Job Titles:
- Library Assistant / Library
Job Titles:
- Executive Officer, Student Finance Operations
Job Titles:
- Clerical Officer, Research & Graduate School
Job Titles:
- Library Assistant / Library
Job Titles:
- Library Assistant / Library
Job Titles:
- Library Assistant / Library
Job Titles:
- Director of Library and Information Services / Library
Job Titles:
- Assistant Librarian ( Acting ) - Information and User Services / Library
Job Titles:
- Executive Officer, Erasmus Administration Support
Job Titles:
- Executive Officer
- President
Donna Noonan is an Executive Officer in the President's Office and provides administrative support to various Committees and Groupings within the College, specifically An Chomhairle Acadúil (Academic Council) and the Quality Committee. Donna also assists in the organisation and management of events relating to the President's Office and collaborates with colleagues in the organisation of other events including the annual Conferring Ceremonies.
Job Titles:
- Coordinator of Doctoral Programmes
Job Titles:
- Assistant Professor
- Project Coordinator TED, Project Assistant Professor CDU
Dr Ruth Bourke, Assistant Professor, is Coordinator of the Transforming Education through Dialogue (TED) Project, Curriculum Development Unit, MIC. Ruth joined the TED Project in 2004 and, with a background in Adult and Community Education, she has over twenty years' experience of working with a variety of statutory, community and voluntary stakeholders to promote equality of opportunity in education.
Ruth holds a B.A. (UL), M.Ed. (UL) and PhD (UL). She conducted her PhD research on the PLUS and Oscailt networks of DEIS schools, which are facilitated by the TED Project. Her research explores how school networks support individual members and DEIS schools in the areas of teacher professional learning for complexity, implementing education policy in key areas such as teaching and learning and wellbeing, and building social capital and developing links with key stakeholders to support and advocate for children and families in DEIS schools.
In addition to managing TED, the Embracing Diversity Nurturing Integration Programme (EDNIP), and facilitating networks of DEIS schools, Ruth has extensive experience of research in the area of educational inequality and has been lead researcher and co-researcher for a number of studies including: Independent Evaluation of City Connects in the NEIC, Dublin (2023), City Connects Process Evaluation (2020- April 2023), EDNIP Phase 2 Research (2021-2024), Bedford Row Family Project: Holding the Suffering (2017) and Evaluation of the Doodle Families Literacy Pilot Project (2016).
Ruth is also a member of the Department of Learning, Society and Religious Education, MIC and contributes to the B.Ed. programme in Schools and Society modules and delivers guest lectures to undergrad, postgrad and international students on TED work and research with DEIS schools.
Job Titles:
- Administrator, CDU
- Administrator, Curriculum Development Unit
Eileen Cusack, Curriculum Development Unit (CDU) Administrator, has worked with the CDU since January 2023. She is based in the Education Office, and provides administrative support for the CDU and the various projects associated with the CDU Department.
Job Titles:
- Library Assistant / Library
Job Titles:
- Senior Library Assistant ( Acting ) Library
Job Titles:
- Collections Librarian / Library
Job Titles:
- Director, Curriculum Development Unit
Eucharia McCarthy, B Ed, M Ed, is an Associate Professor and the Director of the Curriculum Development Unit in Mary Immaculate College. She has overseen and managed a wide variety of research, intervention and curriculum development projects at regional and national levels.
She is also a lecturer within the Department of Educational Psychology, Inclusive and Special Education. Her areas of research and teaching include:
Inclusion in the Early Years
Using Digital Technologies to support teaching and learning
Working with students who have Physical Disabilities
Entrepreneurship Education
Curriculum Development
Social Inclusion
Job Titles:
- Executive Officer, Finance & Logistics
Job Titles:
- Library Assistant / Library
Job Titles:
- Library Assistant / Library
Job Titles:
- Library Assistant / Library
Job Titles:
- Library Assistant / Library
Job Titles:
- Library Assistant / Library
Job Titles:
- Mary Immaculate Research Information System ( MIRIS ) Manager
Job Titles:
- Library Assistant / Library
Job Titles:
- Library Assistant - MIC, St Patrick 's Campus, Thurles / Library
Job Titles:
- Senior Library Assistant Collections / Library
Job Titles:
- Manager
- President
- Manager of the President 's Office
Meg O'Shea is the Manager of the President's Office and is the Executive Assistant to the President. She is the Recording Secretary for An tÚdarás Rialaithe and the Executive Team. She is responsible for planning, co-ordinating and supervising the day to day activities relating to the core administrative business of the President's Office. Meg plays a key role in the organising of key strategic MIC events including State and official visits by visiting Government Ministers and Ambassadors and in the co-ordination of official College Events including the annual Conferring Ceremonies. She manages initiatives associated with the President's Office including the President's Scholarship Awards.
Job Titles:
- Finance
- Vice - President Administration
- Administration & Finance
Michael Keane is Vice-President of Administration & Finance.
As the Chief Financial Officer, he oversees the areas of Finance, Procurement, Human Resources, Estates & Sustainability, Health & Safety, Library and capital development projects that support the advancement of the College's academic mission.
Job Titles:
- Clerical Officer
- President
Mike Hoare is the Clerical Officer post in the President's Office and is the first point of contact for receiving visitors to the President's Office. Responsibilities include minute taking, records management, boardroom bookings and the organisation and operation of all events associated with the President's Office.
Job Titles:
- Executive Officer
- President
Noelle Donaghey is an Executive Officer in the President's Office and provides administrative support to various Committees and Groupings within the College, specifically the Finance and Resource Committee and the Audit and Risk Committee. She carries out administration and is responsible for drafting of correspondence, speeches and presentations for the College President along with a wide range of duties relating to the functioning of the President's Office.
Job Titles:
- Senior Library Assistant / Library
Oxford Art Online - includes biographies of artists
Oxford Music Online - includes biographies of musicians and composers
Job Titles:
- Library Assistant / Library
Professor Gary O'Brien is Vice-President of Governance & Strategy and is responsible for strategic and operational planning, policy development, ICT operations, Strategic Communications & Marketing, Quality Assurance, and external reporting.
He also oversees a range of functions across the College including:
Enterprise & Community Engagement
Information, Governance & Compliance Management
Strategic Communications & Marketing
ICT Services
Academic Information Systems
Job Titles:
- Librarian - MIC Thurles / Library
Job Titles:
- TED Academic Assistant Coordinator