YEGGI - Key Persons

Dipl.-Ing. Joerg Lotz - CEO, President

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • President
Joerg is the President of YEGGI and has been active in the Yukon since 2012.As a civil engineer, he has extensive experience in civil engineering and water management as well as construction- and engineering geology. Furthermore, he has many years of experience as a managing director and chairman of the board of directors as well as a member of the supervisory board of a bank. He is familiar with innovative financing models and M & A projects. He founded Lotz AG Ingenieure, a successful engineering company in municipal civil engineering more than 20 years ago in Germany. In 2008, he founded the Bioenergie Wächtersbach, which operates a woodchip-fired heating power plant with district heating network, the company was awarded several times and is regarded as a model for CO2-neutral heat and electricity generation.The search for new challenges and interesting investment opportunities combined with his profession as civil engineer led his way into the Yukon.With the tools and experience of a german engineering degree, he puts the "adventure" gold search on a solid technical and business basis.

Sandro Frizzi - President

Job Titles:
  • President