HOUSTON SEO - History of Changes

2021-04-06 update robots_txt_status www.bluebeamllc.com: 200 => 0
2018-11-27 insert client_pages_linkeddomain offshoreinjurytrialattorney.com
2018-04-07 delete address 1510 Eldridge Parkway, Suite 110-123 Houston, TX 77077 United States of America
2018-04-07 delete fax (832) 464-5181
2018-04-07 delete phone (832) 464-5181
2018-04-07 insert fax (832) 532-4153
2018-04-07 insert phone (832) 532-8483
2017-08-14 delete fax 866.230.8772
2017-08-14 delete phone 713.893.5653
2017-08-14 insert fax (832) 464-5181
2017-08-14 insert phone (832) 464-5181