HDD - Key Persons

Andy Wendler

Job Titles:
  • Development Consultant

David Twomlow - CFO

Job Titles:
  • Finance Director
David has been HDD's Finance Director since he joined the company in 2007. His role includes raising finance and co-ordinating development finance deals. One of his proudest achievements is helping HDD to continue to grow even during difficult market conditions post-2007. When he's not crunching the numbers at HDD, David is a keen runner.

Richard Croft

Job Titles:
  • Director
Richard joined HDD in May 2006 and leads on large retail-led mixed-use schemes across the UK. He specialises in the delivery of technically challenging projects which contain a variety of retail, leisure and community uses. He is well known for his creative and flexible approach to problem-solving, which has helped him to earn the longstanding trust of both land owners and occupiers. Richard is a keen golfer, skier and rugby enthusiast - although he now prefers spectating when it comes to the latter.