Updated 17 days ago
A255 Murphy Hall Los Angeles, CA 90095
Students with disabilities that arrive at UCLA do so with the skills, inner resources, and ambition needed to be a great success. However, for some students with disabilities, negotiating university life and academic environments can be more challenging without the benefit of support. The Center for Accessible Education serves as a central resource on disability-related information for students, procedures, and services for the University student community. The Center for Accessible Education provides expertise in determining and implementing appropriate and reasonable accommodations for academics and housing. UCLA students with disabilities are fundamental to the diverse pillars of the University, and we work to support you in accessing the educational experience at UCLA... CAE offers a variety of types of accommodations, from academic, housing, dining, transportation, parking, and more. And we make it easy, having one link for everything: CAE Connect!... To more quickly assist..
Also known as: Center for Accessible Education, The CAE