HAMILTON STUDIO - History of Changes

2022-09-17 delete address 1427 W Dean Ave, Spokane, Washington 99201 USA
2022-09-17 delete phone +1 509-327-9501
2022-09-17 delete source_ip
2022-09-17 insert address 1427 W Dean Ave, Spokane, WA 99201, USA
2022-09-17 insert email lo..@hamiltonstudio.com
2022-09-17 insert person Linny Dee
2022-09-17 insert person Maddison Foley
2022-09-17 insert source_ip
2022-09-17 update person_title Don Hamilton: Director / DP / Director of Photography => Photographer, Cinematographer
2022-09-17 update person_title Hannah Sander: Editor / Post Production Supervisor => Senior Editor, Post Production Supervisor
2022-09-17 update person_title Lorna St. John: Producer, Stylist, Craft Services => Senior Producer
2022-09-17 update person_title Matt Vielle: Director / DP / Photographer => Photographer, Cinematographer
2022-09-17 update primary_contact 1427 W Dean Ave, Spokane, Washington 99201 USA => 1427 W Dean Ave, Spokane, WA 99201, USA
2022-09-17 update robots_txt_status www.hamiltonstudio.com: 404 => 200