IGUANA BOOKS - Key Persons

Greg Ioannou - President

Job Titles:
  • President
This whole Colborne thing was Greg's idea. He's been writing and editing since 1977. He's edited more than 2000 books, and written everything from board games to annual reports. When he's not busy running the show, he likes to walk around the office in bare feet, sipping coffee and admiring his collection of stuffed mooses. Outside of the office, he captains a team in a weekly trivia league and has been known to frequent local pubs and stamp auctions. He was the very first member of the Editors' Association of Canada and has been on EAC's executive for longer than some of the other Colborners have been alive. He's loquacious ["full of loquats"], pugnacious ["resembling a pug"], and ornery ["Greg-like"].

Lee Parpart

Job Titles:
  • Editor
  • Writer, Editor
Lee is a writer, editor, and marketing whiz from Toronto. She loves helping new writers publish and promote their work, and is active in the Toronto writing scene, where she won an emerging writer award for short fiction in 2016 and organizes publishing industry events. She has a journalism degree and an MFA in film theory, and worked as a reporter, video columnist for The Globe and Mail's Broadcast Week magazine, and media studies lecturer before returning full-time to creative writing and editing in 2014. When she's not fussing over her own words and those of others, she bakes vegan cakes for her husband and daughter and plays "chase you around the island, you crazed beast" with their hyperactive Westie.

Paula Chiarcos

Job Titles:
  • Editor
  • Writer and Editor
Paula is a writer and editor who attained a degree in International Relations before deciding to pursue a career in editing. She graduated from the University of California's Professional Sequence in Editing program and joined Editors Canada not long after. Her experience ranges from editing medical reports to memoirs to juvenile fiction. When not working, she's usually having Nerf battles with her kids or baking something yummy while listening to her favourite political podcasts.