Updated 155 days ago
- Age: 69 years
- ID: 33608872/84
Founded in 1956, the Institute for Public Relations is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit foundation dedicated to fostering greater use of research and research-based knowledge in public relations and corporate communication practice... As an organization at the center of the communications and marketing field, we know that the most insightful research available today can't make a difference if no one knows about it. A unique strength of IPR is its dedication to actively sharing all of its knowledge. We do this by publishing and promoting our own research and also by identifying and aggregating the best research from other sources and sharing it globally in our online Research Library, through our weekly Research Letter, and at events worldwide. We are the leading convener of communications professionals at events where thoughtful practitioners can absorb and contribute to research-based knowledge, including at our Annual Distinguished Lecture, our Strategic Communications and Research Conference,..
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