Darryl Bell

Job Titles:
  • General Manager Safety

Jimmy Thomson - COO

Job Titles:
  • Operations Director
Jimmy has over 25 years international experience across a range of sectors including resources, power and manufacturing. His strong passion for leadership, team, safety and mental health and wellbeing development spans across four continents and many cultures. Jimmy emigrated from his native Scotland to Sydney in 2003 and enjoys spending time at home with his wife and 2 young children, cooking, watching sport and re-discovering his passion for snooker.

Nada Wentzel

Job Titles:
  • Coach
  • Director
  • Master
  • Executive Director - Global Solutions
Director Nada Wentzel was working in the crisis management team at Esso Australia when the Longford incident occurred in 1998. Two people died and seven were severely burnt. She knew the people affected and saw the effects on the people around them both at work and at home. Less than six months later, both Nada and Robert were themselves involved in a horrific personal accident. Nada suffered burns to 35% of her body, requiring several skin graft operations and months of rehab. It took her months to learn to walk again and 10 years to have the confidence to wear skirts without opaque stockings. Nada says, "Rob and I were both mechanical engineers at the time working in high hazard industries. The incident involved camping; it wasn't work-related. Logically, I can see how it could have been prevented, but when you're exhausted, cold, hungry and distracted, nothing is logical. People have incidents because their brains are not always in logical mode. Safety is not rational. It is a complex weave of logic and emotion" Nada is a charismatic master coach, facilitator and international speaker. Her passion and energy are contagious. With qualifications in Mechanical Engineering, Neuroscience and Organisational Psychology, Nada brings a unique fusion of knowledge and experience. Nada loves the beach, her fur baby, travelling with her family and volunteering her time working with young women to activate their dreams.

Robert Wentzel - Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Managing Director
Robert founded The Jonah Group in 2003 underpinned by a belief that every human life is important, and everyone deserves access to live an extraordinary life. Rob's approach is practical and nurturing. He started his career as a Mechanical Engineer in the Oil & Gas Industry in Holland. He is passionate about his family, AFL, diving and cheese. He looks forward to one day owning his own goat and making his own cheese whilst drinking a full-bodied Rioja.