LEADERS EDGE - Key Persons

Joanne Trotta - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
  • Managing Partner
  • Founder & Managing Partner Kathy Smith / Operations Manager Input UX Inc
Joanne is a dynamic, high-energy and results-oriented individual whose core passion is people. She is an established executive with 20+ years of experience in leading teams in various functions. Besides extensive experience in Customer Service, Technical Support, Sales, Client & Partner Management, Project Management, and Technology and Operations, she has a solid background in both highly complex B2B service offerings and mass markets. Joanne spent 12+ years in the telecommunications industry and 6 years in the energy and services business. She is a proven leader in the development of business strategies, project leadership and team-building, with a proven track record for success in execution and building solid, life-lasting relationships. During her career in the energy and services business, Joanne became a Certified Facilitator for The Personal Leadership Program and Leaders at Every Level created by The Living Leader. The Personal Leadership Program, as well as working with Penny Ferguson and her team, was life changing for her. It was through this experience that she chose to start living her dream - to help people become more effective leaders in all aspects of life. Joanne founded and built LeadersEdge into the successful venture it is today.

Kathy Smith

Job Titles:
  • Operations Manager
  • Founder & Managing Partner Kathy Smith / Operations Manager Input UX Inc
Kathy comes to LeadersEdge with over 20 years of experience supporting executive and business coaches as well as small to medium sized companies with a wide range of skills. She brings expertise in providing high-touch, high-value services in virtually managing daily operations, projects and teams. She is also a gifted marketing copywriter and professional magazine writer with over 200 published articles in more than 25 publications. LeadersEdge counts on Kathy to keep the office and team running smoothly while ensuring our various marketing and other business projects stay on track.