Job Titles:
- President
- Vice - President
John is a seasoned veteran with over 25 years experience delivering office hardware, solutions, and services to clients of all sizes. His past includes senior management positions with Alco Office Products' subsidiary companies, IKON Office Solutions and Canon Solutions America. In 1998 John and Angie founded Copy Rite Business Systems in Medford which merged into Associated Business Systems in 2006. As self-proclaimed "serial entrepreneurs" John and Angie founded Office Tech to deliver a better customer experience to the area.
Angie, another seasoned industry veteran has over 20 years industry experience in dealerships and was Vice President and co-owner of Copy Rite Business Systems in Medford. Angie's passion lies in customer service and it shows with her "knock your socks off" customer commitment.
Job Titles:
- Chief Product Officer ( CPO )
Steve Jones joined the Office Tech team at our inception and brings nearly two decades of experience in the office hardware, software and services industry. Steve has held various positions in the industry including sales, sales management and branch management. He and his wife Chris have four children. Steve is an avid sports fan, coach and mentor to his family and enjoys golf in his spare time. He is one of the many, many rabid Oregon Duck fans and is one of the 6 Dallas Cowboy fans in the valley (LOL) Steve is a graduate of Southern Oregon University and of the former Medford High School.
People often ask Steve why he thinks his clients continue to work with him and he answers simply, "We are local and we care because we don't have to ask anyone if that is OK".