Teresa Muncer-Shimp - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Chief Talent Officer
  • Founder
Teresa Muncer-Shimp, chief talent officer and founder, is the heart behind Talent By DeZign. For more than 20 years, Teresa has dedicated her career to designing successful partnerships, organizational structures, and contingent workforce programs. Teresa is a masterful networker and has a talent for organizational matchmaking - connecting organizations with the right people and programs to improve their productivity, profitability, compliance, and employee retention. She is often heard saying, "I know someone who can help you with that!" A Buckeye for life, Teresa studied Human Ecology at The Ohio State University. Before branching out to start Talent By DeZign in 2016, she held multiple executive leadership roles with two of the largest global staffing companies, Robert Half International and LLH (The Adecco Group). As a consultant, Teresa has the pleasure of working with businesses of all sizes, non-profits, start-ups and Fortune 500 organizations. She is accredited as a Certified Contingent Workforce Professional (CCWP) and is skilled at managing contingent staffing programs that span the globe. Teresa was raised on principles that have continuously supported her in both professional and personal endeavors. Family values taught her the importance of "paying it forward" and that drives Teresa to embrace and maintain long-term partnerships with clients, job-seekers, and strategic alliances. Teresa lives in Cary, North Carolina with her husband Russ, son, Zach, and dog, Cookie. Cookie is a Papillon, which means "butterfly" in French. Just as the butterfly experiences metamorphosis, Teresa believes that it is never too late to change & transform ourselves. Talent By DeZign gives Teresa the opportunity to pursue her community activities, volunteer as a career coach, public speaking, and of course, spend more time with her family. The capital" Z" in Talent By DeZign, serves as a constant reminder of her son Zachary, and the commitment she makes to balance career and family.