Dr Graham Hopkins

Graham has worked as a consultant ecologist for over 15 years and has a proven track record as the lead ecologist on a number of major and complex projects, including urban extensions, major residential schemes, and commercial projects. These include being the lead ecologist on the largest residential scheme to gain consent in Norfolk (3,500 dwellings), another of 1,100 dwellings and a major business park extension. As the project invertebrate ecologist, he has overseen the specialist invertebrate surveys and reporting for a number of nationally significant schemes. Before establishing Hopkins Ecology Ltd he was a principal ecologist for a national consultancy. Prior to joining the commercial sector he followed an academic career including three years of post-doctoral work with the University of Bristol. His academic works include publications on pollinators, damselflies, aphids and ants, as well as data mining analyses. Expertise: Protected Species Extensive ecological knowledge across a range of groups, including survey licenses for bats, great crested newts and Anisus vorticulus.

Dr Jit Thacker

Job Titles:
  • Consultant
Jit is a consultant ecologist and GIS analyst with particular expertise in invertebrates and habitat mapping. He gained a PhD in insect ecology from the University of East Anglia in 1996 and has worked as a freelance ecological consultant since 1999. He has extensive experience of ecological field surveys, with expert-level skills in invertebrate identification and very good knowledge of other groups, including higher and lower plants. He has worked on numerous infrastructure projects including HS2 (Country South), widening of the M25 and proposed dualling of the A47 Acle Straights. Jit has wide report-writing and reviewing experience and has co-authored numerous peer-reviewed articles and Natural England Research Reports. He is a member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management and the British Arachnological Society. Expertise: Protected Species and Habitats Extensive field survey experience for a range of protected species and habitats, including Phase 1 and NVC.

Victoria Hopkins

Victoria has a degree in Ecology from the UEA and for the past five years has led on the environmental management and liaison in relation to water abstraction for a local water engineering company. Her field specialisations are in botany and habitat surveying, as well as hydrology and groundwater. Working with Graham and Jit she has provided operational support on a number of large invertebrate survey projects, leading on survey scheduling and sample tracking, as well as field sampling. Expertise: Habitats Extensive field survey experience for a range of protected species and habitats, including extended Phase 1 and hedgerows.