Updated 37 days ago
- Age: 10 years
- ID: 34059982/84
Parkinson Street Bury BL9 6NY
The Bury Governor Association takes responsibility for the provision of governor training and development for those Bury schools that buy into the Bury Governance Development collaborative package. The BGA appoint a Board of members who oversee the development of the training programme and ensure that the funds that school governing bodies provide through the council's Traded Service scheme are used effectively...
Primary and Secondary Schools across Bury have always worked together and have well-established primary, secondary and governors collaborative groups. The Bury Teaching Schools Alliance was created in 2014 to make this partnership even stronger. The aim of the Teaching Schools is to share knowledge, to generate new learning and to provide support within and beyond the alliance. We identify and co-ordinate the best teachers and leaders to offer a range of training and support to teachers and leaders, as well as others working in education.