H O T AFRICA - Key Persons

Barbara Zahra

Barbara Zahra (ACCA), holds a degree and post-graduate degree in Accounting and has served three years of Articles of Clerkship with the Public Accountants and Auditors Board of South Africa. She has passed Professional Recognition Conversion courses while working as a Financial Controller and Financial Manager in Australia for large private companies in the transport, manufacturing & automotive industries. She has substantial experience at hands-on level in Accounting, Internal Audit and Controls, Fraud Investigations and Corporate Finance. Barbara has trained and mentored many staff during her career, at all levels from bookkeepers, wage and salary clerks and trainee accountants, and has developed and taught at training seminars both in-house and to the public on VAT/GST, Management & Financial Accounting, and Management Practice. She holds a Graduate Certificate in Fraud & Financial Investigation from Charles Sturt University in Australia and is a Member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. Barbara has extensive experience in the UK, Australia, the USA and Africa (Southern and Eastern) including setting up and registering a non-profit in the USA in compliance with State and Federal Legislation, for the purposes of serving charitable causes in Tanzania, Africa. Her experience in Non-Profits has continued since, and encompasses all aspects of Accounting and Administration, staff training, reporting for grants and the monitoring and control of funds in overseas beneficiary countries.

Eng. Matimbwi

Eng. Matimbwi has been practising renewable energy since 1994. He is a leader and authority in Tanzania in renewable energy private sector and occupies the the position of Executive Secretary of Tanzania Renewable Energy Association (TAREA).

Robert Zahra

Robert Zahra founded HOT Africa Hands On Training . He is degree qualified in Accounting, and also has a Bachelor of Science in Technology from ECU University, Perth, Australia, and is a qualified Risk Manager. He holds qualifications & professional membership in Renewable Energy Technologies, and is an advocate of all non-profit and charitable efforts both locally and internationally. He would like to see a greater involvement by charities in the technologies of water, and energy, supported by strong accounting and management roles both in the procurement of funds and grants as well as in their control, management and reporting. Born and raised in Tanzania, he has been exposed to many cultures in many countries. ​He believes in the value of Training & Education and its direct contribution to solving issues of unemployment and job creation as well as poverty relief and community empowerment. His approach to education & training includes "Leaving No Student Behind". In mind always is the student who said to his teacher " I don't care how much you know, but want to know how much you care" He believes communication must be a two way street and that people should be both informed of and participate in any decision making process at all levels of society, bearing in mind the risks and benefits of "The Silo Effect" which exists in society and organisations. Non-Profits and NGO's have a huge role to play in promoting equality of income and economic and social betterment, and Robert is constantly exploring how best, most immediately & efficiently training in technology can achieve this.