David and Nicole's life experiences have developed them into visionaries with the ability to see the shifts in industry and the Future of Real Estate. Over the past 10 years, Nicole and David have invested in hundreds of real estate deals, and it was their success in the business that propels them help others to achieve their goals. Their book Grow Rich in Real Estate is available on Amazon and has helped hundreds of investors achieve their version real estate success. David started his career in the corporate setting earning the title of the youngest store manager for a large furniture company. Then he moved on to become a regional manager for a fuel shipping company. He always knew there was more to life than the corporate grind so he co-founded Custom Outdoor Kitchen Concepts which designed and built custom outdoor areas for clients on the west coast of Florida from Tampa to Naples. During this time he became a licensed contractor and began to develop his passion for real estate. By 2014, he transitioned fully and founded Legacy Capital Advisors (formerly known as DNR Investments), a company specializing in multi-family and residential property investing. Nicole is a 9/11 survivor, who was on the 90th floor of the 2nd tower when it was hit. That moment changed Nicole's life and motivated her to become a business owner and an entrepreneur. It was a reminder that life is short, and it is important to live each day to the fullest. Born in New Jersey, Nicole learned early the importance of setting goals and working hard to reach them. She graduated with BA Economics from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill and a MS Economics degree from Virginia Tech. Her experience is as varied as it is deep. Nicole was the Director of Sales Technology for Franklin Templeton Investments managing over 200 people across 13 countries. In 2012, Nicole found her passion for real estate investing and since then has completed over 200 real estate transactions and has holdings of over $130M AUM. David and Nicole are also Papa and GiGi to Carly and Savannah. They both love to spend time with family, travel, work out, and focus on personal development. David is also an avid golfer while Nicole attempts to play tennis.