Gardner Sensei

Job Titles:
  • Senior Advisor
Gardner Sensei is Senior Advisor and has over 40 years experience in the practice and teaching of Shinshin Toitsudo and Shinshin Toitsu Aikido. He holds the ranks of Joden in Shinshin Toitsudo, Rokudan in Shinshin Toitsu Aikido, Associate Ki Lecturer, and Associate Examiner as well as Chodan in Koryo Gumdo and training in other Asian martial arts.

Minh Pham Sensei

Job Titles:
  • Head
  • Instructor
Pham Sensei, Head Instructor, has been practicing and teaching Shinshin Toitsudo and Shinshin Toitsu Aikido for 27 years. He holds the ranks of Chuden in Shinshin Toitsudo and Yondan in Shinshin Toitsu Aikido, and is an Associate Ki Lecturer, and Assistant Examiner. He also has trained in other Asian martial arts and holds the rank of 3rd Dan in Taekwondo. Before coming to Loudoun Valley, he was previously the Head Instructor of Reston (VA) Ki Aikido.