Dr Alex Johnsen

Job Titles:
Dr Alex Johnsen Alex's roles in Eagle Scientific include project management, technical consultancy and customer relations management. Alex holds a doctorate in Physical and Theoretical Chemistry from the University of Oxford and is also fluent in technical French. For further information in the first instance, contact :

Erik Johnsen Erik

Job Titles:
  • Sales Manager for Kenya
Erik Johnsen Erik's primary role is as Eagle Scientific's Sales Manager for Kenya, Ethiopia, The Philippines and Myanmar. Erik also acts as a technical consultant for projects which fall into his area of expertise (Biomedical science laboratories and facilities). Erik has worked for Eagle Scientific for the past 8 years and has been involved in various aspects of the business including bid preparation, direct sales and package design. Erik's background is in Biochemistry in which he holds a Master's degree (MBiochem) from The University of Oxford. For further information in the first instance, contact :