Greg Jones

Greg graduated from Leeds Metropolitan University and has undertaken further training in the field of cranial Osteopathy with the Sutherland Cranial College as well as acupuncture with the British Medical Acupuncture Society. Prior to training as an Osteopath, Greg completed an ITECH in Sports Massage and has worked as a massage therapist at Old Otliensians RFC. Greg has a strong interest in sports Osteopathy and has experience volunteering at various sporting events, including the Leeds Half Marathon and at London Broncos. He is a keen rugby player and fan and was part of the North of England development squad for Rugby Union U16-U18 and was also captain of one of the University Rugby teams. Although Greg has a keen interest in sport he enjoys treating people of all ages and backgrounds. Greg is registered with the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) and is a member of both the Institute of Osteopathy (IO) and the Osteopathic Sports Care Assosciation (OSCA).