Alexandre Abecassis

Job Titles:
  • Patent Agent, Fasken & Martineau
Alexandre Abecassis est un associé du bureau. Il exerce sa pratique dans le domaine de la propriété intellectuelle et plus particulièrement dans le domaine des brevets. Comme agent de brevets enregistré au Canada et aux États-Unis, il fournit des solutions créatives et proactives pour valoriser au mieux les innovations de ses clients.

Amira Chebil

Job Titles:
  • Business Analyst
  • IT Manager

Bertrand Walle

Job Titles:
  • CEO of Walle & Associates
  • VP Ontario, Director Innovation & Strategies
With French and Canadian citizenships, Bertrand brings to Alsago no less than 40 years of experience in the world of international relations, governmental or corporate, or innovative SMEs. Bertrand has spent 22 years in the positions of Marketing Director or Director General. He was General Manager of L'Oréal Retail Division in Canada. He spent 12 years with L'Oréal, a leading world French group. Bertrand, in addition to 18 years heading his own company, Walle & Associates, was present as a director of several innovative companies in the area of cosmetics. Specializing in the representation of French regions and Canadian provinces and attracting investments, he is still closely associated with Ontario economic missions, or cities (like Markham, which hosts the first cluster of innovative companies to North America in suburban Toronto) or clusters (Agri-Food Sector of St. Hyacinthe, first in Quebec ) and some clusters in the field of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, lending a credibility that is essential in international development between Europe and Canada. He has also represented Canada in assisting and training companies wishing to enter the Canadian market through TFO Canada. Public-private partnerships (PPP), strategies for marketing, technology transfers, research establishments and investors have marked his business background. Currently Bertrand is also Administrator and General Manager of a French Clinic Research Organization (CRO) in Montreal, that tests scientifically cosmetic claims.

Bradley Stock

Job Titles:
  • Director of EACC Rhône - Alpes
  • VP US / France

Brian Forget

Job Titles:
  • Founder and President of Casey Forget Lawyers
  • Lawyer and President of Corpo Pro Legal Services
Brian Forget is founder and president of Casey Forget Lawyers (previously known as Corpo Pro Lawyers) since September 2013. Casey Forget Lawyers in the greater Montreal region (Vaudreuil-Dorion) and acts as an independent business law counsel for privately held corporations. Me Forget graduated from law school of Université de Montréal in 1999 and has been admitted to the Quebec Bar in 2001 and has been practicing business law for more than 15 years. Before practicing law at Casey Forget Lawyers, Me Forget practiced business law for well reputed national and international law firms in the City of Montreal. Me Forget has taught business law at the Quebec Bar School between 2007 and 2012 and is also a trade-mark agent registered with the Canadian Intellectual Property Office.

Louis Garceau

Job Titles:
  • CEO of Brand Momentum / Solutions Éco - Fitt / Sustainable Development Expert
  • President of Locus Strategies
Canadian, Louis brings to Alsago over 25 years of business experience. He was successfully at the head of both Mosaic and CIM (Consumer Impact Marketing, one of the 50 Best Managed Companies in Canada, which he directed from 1997 to 2010), the two largest outsourcing companies selling, marketing and promotion to Canada giving it a national profile. With responsibilities focusing on strategy, management and deployment for multinational companies, he led multiple mandates: in health and beauty for Clairol, and Beiersdorf, in Energy Efficiency for Hydro-Quebec, in food for Dairy Farmers of Canada and Olivieri, in consumer products for Reckitt Benckiser and Imperial Tobacco, in telecommunications for Cogeco and Look TV, in renovation for Canwell and Ecofitt or in Partnership / Economic Development for the University of Sherbrooke. Louis, now president of Locus Strategies, sits on various boards of private corporations including Solution Ecofitt, Maison Carrier Besson, and an adviser for Creations Etc., Attitude Marketing, a nonprofit organization dedicated to theatre arts.

Louise Guay

Job Titles:
  • President, Montreal Living Lab
Montréalaise et québécoise, Louise est une entrepreneure en série. Depuis 1986, elle a créé cinq entreprises technologiques dans le domaine de l'art, de la mode et des villes intelligentes de partage. De 2010 à 2013, Louise a été entrepreneure en résidence au CIRANO (Centre inter-universitaire de recherche en analyse des organisations). Elle est actuellement membre de l'Observatoire Ivanhoé-Cambridge sur la fondation des nouvelles cités (U. de Montréal). Elle prépare un programme de mentorat féminin en collaboration avec un important incubateur de startups technologiques du Québec. Depuis 2010, Louise dirige le Living Lab de Montréal, un laboratoire vivant d'innovation ouverte et de co-design permettant d'accompagner la transition des Montréalais vers la ville intelligente. Ses travaux dans les domaines de la mobilité intégrée 3.0 (application mobile ludique, commandites participatives numériques, etc.) et de la participation citoyenne (forum ouvert, questionnaire 3D interactif en ligne : l'ont conduite à développer SmartMoov, une entreprise québécoise visant la création d'un réseau interopérable de 25 centres de télétravail situés en ville, en banlieue et en région. Ouvert à tous, employés ou travailleurs autonomes, et disponible pour réservation en ligne, le réseau donne accès à des sièges et des espaces de bureau sur demande, facturés à l'utilisation : Office as a Service. Il s'agit d'une véritable « ubérisation » de l'immobilier qui permet d'optimiser et de rentabiliser les espaces commerciaux inoccupés. En partenariat avec le Mouvement Desjardins et plusieurs centres de coworking existants (incubateurs, accélérateurs, centres d'affaires, technopoles, etc.

Olivier Perrin

Job Titles:
  • CEO, Director Innovation & Strategies
Olivier Perrin, franco-canadien, apporte à Alsago 15 ans d'expérience dans le monde de la Commercialisation dont 7ans dans le secteur Banque/Assurance et Télécom. Fondateur de la Plateforme Alsago Innovation (Living Business Lab) qui intègre sur le marché canadien des entreprises innovantes ou innovations européennes dont le savoir-être ou savoir-faire sont reconnus pour l'amélioration de la performance et de la productivité au sein de grandes entreprises du CAC 40 tout en représentant les piliers du Smart City.

Robert Nastas

Canadian, Robert brings to Alsago over 25 years experience in Engineering and Industrial Technology. He is the founding president of Proc-Data Inc. created in 1995. Its main achievements are in the area of the aluminum smelter where he participated in major projects in Greenfield, namely the construction of plants Alma(Quebec), the plant Mozal (Mozambique), Hillside (South Africa ) Moesjen (Norway) and Qatalum (Qatar). Experience has also been gained as a Director of Consulting Engineering firm or as project manager in the major areas Telecom, IT, Aluminium, Energy, Transportation, Automation, food Transformation for large groups such as STM, SNC Lavalin or RIO TINTO ALCAN. He also designed a state of the art system to exchange business transactions with various financial institutions in line with the direction of the industry's Straight Through Processing (STP), using integration of bus technologies.

Romain Gagnon

Job Titles:
  • CEO of Fournée Inéwa
  • Consulting Engineer in Innovation Financing, F - INICIATIVAS / R & D
Canadian, Romain Gagnon provides Alsago with over 25 years of business experience in all aspects of managing a fast growing company including research and development, international marketing and financing in all its forms (debt and equity). After graduating from Polytechnique in Montreal in 1986, Romain Gagnon began his career in research and development in medium-sized and large firms such as Bell Canada and Gendron Lefebvre (Tecsult). He then became an entrepreneur, founding Smart Rain (a manufacturing company that specialized in electronics which went public in 1997), Champagnon (a technologically advanced oyster mushroom farm) and Dynavision R&D (the first tax credit consulting cabinet in R&D in Quebec). Romain Gagnon is currently managing an organic agro-business conglomerate (Inewa, Minoterie Les Brumes, Les Brumes dough factory) and remains a tax expert for Dynavision, now a subsidiary of Global Approach Consulting in Paris. Today Senior consultant for Alsago, Romain enables other entrepreneurs to benefit from his experience, helping them to avoid pitfalls he himself encountered during his career.

Sylvain Caron

Job Titles:
  • Senior Director, BDO / Audit & Management Expert
  • Senior Director, BDO / Financial
  • Senior Manager at BDO Canada
Sylvain is a Senior Manager at BDO Canada in the Montreal office. Over the last 10 years, Sylvain has been involved in various cases supporting corporate and institutional investors by performing analysis of proposed investments, valuation and due diligence on various business aspects. He has performed work of several private and public companies in Canada, the United States and abroad. These enterprises work in various sector and industries such as technologies and manufacturing. Moreover, he has also been a speaker/trainer on various topics relating to the valuation and due diligence for young entrepreneurs and experienced business manager.

Thu-Hà Tô

Job Titles:
  • President of INC COGI - SME
  • President, COGI - PME
Canadian, Thu-Ha To is the president of INC COGI-SME, a consortium of 50 experienced consultants in multidisciplinary management. Thu-Ha brings to Alsago over 20 years of experience in marketing and nearly 10 years in funding from private sources in Asia, China and America. She has worked in the field of energy at Hydro-Québec and in finance for banks such as ScotiaMcLeod Caisses Desjardins and BMO. Through her extensive network of contacts in private funding, she helped companies to finance their projects including helping an industrial recycling company to find 70% of the funding of the 23 factories in Canada with a value of 250 million per factory. She also works in the financing of infrastructure in Vietnam, China and other countries in need of financing to develop or grow Canada's high-tech companies in Europe or in other parts of the world.

Yves Paquette

Job Titles:
  • CEO of Novipro
  • VP Canada / US