David Wagner

My name is David Wagner I play wheelchair tennis in the Paralympics. In London I came home with a gold medal in doubles and a silver medal in singles. I'm age 38. I've been using CVAC for a little over a year now, and before I was using CVAC my training regimen was always gruelling and hard because of being in a wheelchair, pushing the chair all the time and not just in everyday life but on the court makes for a challenging time. But I also hit the weights, I swim, I ride bikes, I do a lot other activities too. Before CVAC I seemed to not recover as quick. After using CVAC, within a matter of just a couple of weeks, I noticed a huge difference in my recovery. I was able to train harder and longer, I was also able to sleep better at night, I didn't seem as exhausted. I was ready to go to bed when it was bed time. I slept well, I woke up feeling refreshed and ready to go and do it again the next day. I think it is great and I'm happy be part of it and using it I will continue to be part of it and use it.

Dr. Karen L. Herbst

Job Titles:
  • Dercum 's Specialist
Nancy Wyrick was first diagnosed with Dercum's Disease in 2005. Dercum's Disease is an extremely rare disorder characterized by multiple, painful growths consisting of fatty tissue (called lipomas) and according to the online health magazine, HealthFiend, Dercum's is currently ranked the fourth most painful medical condition. At this time, Nancy is currently suffering with hundreds of lipomas in her body. Nancy is 62 years-old and has been married for 43 years to her husband Bill. They have two sons, three granddaughters and one great-granddaughter. Nancy spent 20 years working at Levi Strauss Company and left to go work at AAA, where she spent the next 17 years until her disease and its' symptoms forced her to resign. She is a long-time member (and former choir director) of Grace Baptist Church in Halls, TN, and is now rarely able to even attend church service. At the recommendation of her Dercum's specialist, Dr. Karen L. Herbst in San Diego, CA, Nancy spent 3 months in Montgomery, AL, receiving CVAC treatments at Hope Wellness Center. Nancy and her family could no longer financially support her stay in Montgomery, so she was forced to give up treatments and return home to Knoxville, TN. "This disease has stolen my joy, my life. I have missed so many opportunities to be with my family and friends. I haven't been able to be the grandmother I want to be and take my grandchildren to the zoo or whatever. Now I have a great granddaughter that I'd love to spend time with and I'm afraid she's not even going to know me because I'm unable to spend time with her. Most of my days and nights are now spent in bed. My husband who has health issues of his own does all of the shopping and most of the cleaning and cooking. I feel trapped inside a lumpy shell of a body. I know from experience CVAC will give me relief from my pain and help my body become more physically fit. It will give me the energy I need to get out of bed and out of the house. It will help with the lipedema and lymphedema that I have and reduce the swelling in my legs and arms. I will soon have to start painful physical therapy compression wraps to try and eliminate some fluid. The CVAC would make that unnecessary." - Nancy

Ernie Sanchez

My name is Ernie Sanchez, I'm 43 y.o. I reside in Murrieta. I have been competing as a cyclist since the age of 16. I have taken a little bit of time off in between then and now however never longer than 1 yr period. I have tried mountain biking, never competitively but I do mtn. bike used to run a little bit. What I do primarily is race my bike. I would say that my typical training week is 4 to 5 workouts a week ranging from 3 to 5 hr days. I compete in the masters level which is an open category which is usually from category 1 to category 4. I started using CVAC about a year and a half ago and the reason why I never knew about CVAC before I think it's a hidden secret for a lot of people that have used it. In fact the person who introduced me to CVAC is no longer racing competitively. And I think that is why he was willing to share the CVAC system with me. The reason that I started trying it was because I had broken my collar bone and he had told me about an experience where he had broken his ribs and how he had used CVAC and how it had helped with the healing process. So I thought well, why not give it a shot. As athletes we are very impatient we want to get back to training, get back to racing so I thought why not. I became a fan. I mean, I was racing my bike. First of all I never stopped riding when I broke my collar bone, although I was supposed to be 4 - 6 weeks off the bike to help with healing process. It wasn't that I was being stubborn, is that the dr. said if it doesn't hurt then you can ride. So, I did ride a tandem for a couple of days immediately after so I could let off the bars if I needed to. The stoker can do the steering, but yet, the important thing was to keep the legs moving and to keep my cardiovascular in shape by continuing aerobic workouts and keeping my anaerobic threshold where I wanted them to be. But after a couple, maybe 2 rides on a tandem and a couple sessions of CVAC I resumed my riding the bike. In fact a lot of people felt that I had lied. I had to show them pictures of my broken collar bone. So, I immediately became a fan of CVAC and started learning about how I felt better in my sleeping patterns as well as in my recovery. Some people say if you are sleeping better you are recovering better. Well if CVAC is doing that for me that is good enough. We are all looking for the edge. I sleep well I sleep the entire night when I awake I feel better. So yes, it is a recovery tool. There are all kinds of devises out there people would put on compression socks. I have teammates that have the boots which pump air and compress your legs and then release. I have friends who have devises including me that you wrap around your legs and it pumps cold water in. It rotates the water which gives you a healing process by cooling the muscles that are inflamed from working out. So, yeah, CVAC has been a part of the recovery and healing process. When I exercise I am tearing up my muscles, I'm building the muscles and in my opinion CVAC is helping me sleep better, recover better, and get back to training from injury or a hard workout sooner than I would be able to normally. So I can see why some people would keep it a secret. However, CVAC is a sponsor of our team California Pools Primal has become a known commodity amongst the team and we have several athletes that are using it. Even as recent as the last week two new people are trying it because they saw the you tube video and they were intrigued with what it could do for them. To me, CVAC is something that is just as important as what I consume in regards to nutrients as much as I spend on the bicycle you need to be able to perform while you are on the bicycle. I'm not talking tactics or winning races. I'm just talking about being able to get on the bike and feeling good to go do your race, your competitive ride with your buddies. Or just feel good in general while riding the bicycle. Yeah, I'm not only a believer in CVAC but a CVAC patient, a CVAC customer and a CVAC loyalist. Just like I take my vitamins everyday; I make sure I get at least 4 sessions in a week in CVAC just because that's what works for me both financially, time wise and what I feel is helping me in my training process as a competitive cyclist."

Heather Miller

"I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis over 5 years ago, at the age of 31. Terrified and unwilling to take the recommended prescribed medication, I sought out alternative care. For over two years, I tried every holistic approach possible. Nothing worked and I was becoming progressively worse and sedentary due to the pain. In October 2010, a friend suggested that I give the "CVAC Process" a try. I figured that I had nothing to lose at this point and started doing 6 to 9, 20 minute CVAC sessions per week. Almost immediately, my sleep began to improve. For the first time in 5 years, I was able to sleep through the entire night and wake up feeling refreshed in the morning. A few months into my new regimen I began to notice decreased inflammation and pain. I was able to wear shoes again, walk up stairs and raise my arms above my head. (Little tasks that I had always taken for granted, until I could no longer perform them.) I have been doing CVAC sessions consistently for over 2 1/2 years now. I am extremely grateful to share that about 90% of my debilitating pain has vanished. It's what I do to increase my fitness and decrease my RA inflammation. Within an hour of my sessions I feel significant relief during a rare "flare-up" occurrence. I truly believe that CVAC improves my health just as exercise does. It has given hope that with continued use, CVAC will assist in putting my RA into full remission. Thank you CVAC Systems, Inc." -Heather Miller

Jim Selby

My name is Jim Selby. I'm 85 years old. I have been doing sessions at CVAC for 6 ½ years. Someone I met at the track told me about CVAC. So, I checked it out. I found it very beneficial. It helped me to run easier and recuperate faster. In 2011, I really started having trouble with my aortic valve. CVAC helped me hang in there until I had valve replacement surgery. It also helped me to come back faster than what I was told it would take me. They thought it would be a whole year, instead it has been only 9 months. With continued use of CVAC sessions I hope to compete again in both track and weightlifting. Just 13 months after heart surgery to have his aortic valve replaced, CVAC family member Jim Selby and his daughter Debbie brought home the hardware at their track and weightlifting competition this past week.

John Howard

Cycling legend John Howard is back taking CVAC sessions as he prepares for a big event in November.

Kristin Martin

My name is Kristin Martin, I am a 56 year old woman with fibromyalgia, degenerative disc disease, chronic migraines, peripheral neuropathy, insomnia, back pain, sciatica, chronic sinus problems and have been diagnosed with chronic major depression in the past. Who wouldn't be a bit depressed with all this right? After being in chronic pain for over 30 years frankly I was a bit skeptical about how sitting in a pod might help me. I'd had three surgeries on my spine and too many other procedures to mention. The list of pharmaceuticals I was on was appalling. Of course with every pill I took as prescribed by my doctors another symptom/problem would occur. At this point I felt I had nothing to lose. My journey with CVAC began in Oct 2010. To be perfectly honest, I had to have help (embarrassing) with the little step getting into and out of the pod, when I first started sessions. I was in a terrific amount of pain, overweight, and extremely unfit due to lack of movement or exercise. One of the first changes I noticed after using the CVAC technology was I slept better; I did not wake up as often through out the night. It was lovely. I became aware of my eyesight improving for some reason. I can see well close up, but not far away which is unusual for most women my age. My far away vision improved somewhat. I also noticed I did not seem so "foggy". Often during Fibromyalgia flares up, I would get a feeling of fogginess, sometimes referred to as fibro-fog. After a couple of months of CVAC sessions, I felt much clearer mentally and actually had a higher energy level. I began to take outdoor walks again and was losing weight. This was a "first" since being diagnosed with FM 8 years ago. Boom! I was now a believer. I did have to go through a period of detoxification as my body began to heal itself. Today I delight and practically jump in and out of the POD with joy at my progress, no longer needing assistance getting in and out. I have ceased all medications for Fibromyalgia, i.e.: Lyrica, Neurontin, Cymbalta. My FS symptoms have all but subsided. I take no pharmaceuticals for migraines, insomnia, and use no mind-altering pain medicines for my degenerative disc disease as I did before. I used to have from 18-28 migraines a month but they are gone. I exercise regularly now, long robust walks, sometimes I even run! What a miracle! I will be forever grateful to God for finding me this answer. Thank you Carl Linton for listening to your heart and mind and creating the CVAC System. Thank you Heather Miller for following your vision and dream and bringing CVAC technology to Newport Beach, CA.

Laura Mann-Morris

Hi everyone! I want y'all to know that those two young men in this pic are my sons. Both of them are diagnosed with Dercums Disease, as am I. The one standing beside the CVAC had spent a good bit of time in a wheel chair or using a walker the year prior to this photo. And both had been in brutal pain almost constantly. Thanks to CVAC their lives have improved in every way. I just want you to know that I am one grateful mom and one happy member of the CVAC family! Thank you CVAC and everyone who is a part of the CVAC team! - Laura Mann-Morris

Mary Cooper

In late 2005 Mary Cooper was hospitalized with a urinary tract infection but had also contracted shingles that settled in the nerves of her right arm. The constant pain became so severe in her arm that she could not bear anyone touching it and could no longer use it to write, eat, or even get dressed. She was moved to a rehabilitation center and, after great effort, was released and returned home. Unfortunately, soon after, a fall at home returned her to the rehab center but this time she declined to a point that she needed to be moved to a full term continuing care facility where she spent the next 2-1/2 years. Mary weighed around 130 lbs. prior to her first hospitalization and was over 180 lbs. in November 2008 when she moved from the Indiana nursing home and in with her daughter, Susan, and Susan's husband in California. At this point she required 24 hour care. Mary could no longer get out of bed, get dressed, or go to the bathroom by herself and, due to renal insufficiency, she had to be lying down for her kidneys to work. Many times she expressed openly how she wished she could die to escape from the pain. From the time she arrived in California until January 2009 Mary took CVAC sessions three times a week for an hour at the lowest level (Tier 1). During this time Mary had a care-giver throughout the day but her daughter took care of her at night. Mary would ring a bell when she needed help to go to the bathroom usually four to seven times a night. One morning in January her daughter, Susan, awoke to the realization that there were no bells and no calls for help that night. Susan assumed the worst but was relieved at the thought that Mary had, at least, passed away peacefully in her sleep. When Susan looked in on her mother she was surprised to see Mary was breathing. Asked what happened Mary happily said that she was able to get up and use the bathroom for the first time on her own! Since her health and strength began to improve Mary started physical therapy to go along with her CVAC sessions and has been able to remain fit and active... and happy to be alive!

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson had his hyperbaric chamber I have the CVAC pod! Thank you so much Ian Robb for adding years to my life!!! Athletes especially pro's and ex-pro's ya'll need to get hip to this! I'm not running a 4.30 40yrd dash for nothing!! Peace!

Raegan Lunsford

My name is Raegan Lunsford, I'm 38 and a flight attendant. I have been using CVAC since 2011. My coach, Dan Vinson, who has used CVAC in the past told me about this and he brought me here on a ride one day. I kind of looked at it and decided to come in and I was getting ready for a big race and he told me to come in as much as I could before that race. And so I did. And I was going pretty well in the race but I had a crash on the last day so I was out but it helped me further down the line. A month later when I did the State Championship Time Trial, a 40 K Time Trial. I actually had to go to Sydney that week of the TT and I was pretty upset because when I come back from Sydney, I am really, really tired and really jet lagged and it it's hard for me to get going. It takes at least 2 days for me to even recover and to do anything. As soon as I got back, I got into CVAC literally the day I flew in and the next day was my race and I felt really really good, I felt rested. It was a hot, windy day and I put out a speed I had never put out in my life, even training for a 40 K Time Trial. And I won, by, I believe by 30 seconds in my age group. And so I was pretty happy with that. I truly believe had I not gone to CVAC to help with the recovery from my trip I would have been really tired. Also, a couple of things - I suffer from allergies and asthma. And I truly believe that CVAC helps balance out my body and helps me with my allergies as well as my asthma. I have noticed a difference lately because I had been having troubles breathing and I had stopped CVAC a little bit ago and I came back and now I am able to breathe again. I am able to push the power in my threshold where I wasn't able to a few months ago because of my asthma. And now that I am back in CVAC I can totally tell the difference with my breathing and also with my recovery. Which is another thing I really like CVAC for - is I'll do a really hard effort ride and I'll come in and get some recovery from CVAC and the next day I feel great. That's really what it's about for me and I really enjoy coming here.

Robert Adams

One of the more inspiring people I have had the pleasure of meeting is Robert Adams. Robert is a stroke survivor. Actually more like a stroke conqueror. We are thankful that Robert is utilizing the CVAC process for improving his physical conditioning! I saw him today and he is feeling great with a lot of energy.

Ron Jacobs

Ron Jacobs received his CVAC system Monday afternoon 8.5.13. Susan Cooper set it up for him and he was in getting sessions that evening. Looks like he likes it! On Tuesday, his mother was trained on the operation of the system and Ron took more sessions. He was tired but pushed through to finish the Tier 1 sessions (#5) on Tues. Then today, Wed. 8.7.13 he took 2 of the 20 minute custom CVAC sessions and felt well and energetic enough to take his dog for a walk for the first time in a few months. How exciting! We are so happy and excited to share his progress with you all.