CENSO - Key Persons

Angie McWilliam

Angie is an ICF accredited coach, qualified trainer and mentor. Angie is highly experienced in offering workplace coaching for individuals, teams, management and executive leaders going through change due to vocational progression, career transition including redundancy, performance, restructure, working later in life, retirement and for those preparing strategies to work differently or undertaking a new business start-up. Angie is able to tailor programs to suit all levels, roles and industry sectors. Angie has a proven ability to deliver both face to face and virtual individual programs, group sessions and workshops for organisations undertaking change due to site closures, relocation and outsourcing. Angie is acknowledged for being a passionate, dedicated coach, having an innate ability to positively impact the professional and personal well-being of coachees and providing significant value to their career transition process. Angie has an expertise in Australian employment workforce trends and influences including different generations at work, mature aged workforce planning, transferable skills, gender pay gap, professional branding, jobs of the future and health and wellbeing in the workplace.