Dean El-Mouslimani

Job Titles:
  • Developer
Dean is a results-oriented full stack developer dedicated to creating and optimising interactive, feature-rich and user-friendly websites and applications. Always excited about adopting new technologies and staying on the cutting edge of web standards, Dean also regularly brings chocolate to the team - and we like chocolate. Talk to Dean about latest web accessibility standards, fine dining, or rock climbing.

Jo Thatcher - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
  • Managing Partner
A rare mix of technical talent and people skills has seen Jo take the lead on numerous large projects with organisations such as Tourism Australia and British Airways, as well as a number of smaller start-ups and innovative businesses. When not in the office, Jo enjoys yacht racing, skiing, running with her dog and hanging out with family and friends.

Joshua Morgan

Job Titles:
  • Full Stack Developer
Looking for a way to delight your users? Josh is your guy. A full stack developer with a passion for adding that wow factor to his work. At Code Camp, Josh was integral in building Code Camp World 3D platform, as well as the international expansion of Code Camp's Camp Management Systems into Switzerland, the UK and USA. When Josh is away from the keyboard, he's curating his extensive t-shirt collection, exploring new places or throwing himself out of planes. Talk to Josh about how to roll out seasonal themes for CRM's.

Louise Muszynski

Job Titles:
  • Managing Partner, Head of Delivery
Since joining Digital Purpose in 2019, Louise has led the delivery of our telehealth, e-learning and operations projects. As the Delivery Manager at Code Camp, she was charged with the delivery of the Code Camp World 3D platform, as well as the international expansion of Code Camp's Camp Management Systems into Switzerland, the UK and USA. When not wrangling the Digital Purpose team, Louise is spending time with her young family, or playing tennis.

Martina Kainberger - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
  • Head of Technology
Martina's an expert in delivering performant, scaleable software and infrastructure and incorporating CI/CD practices.Martina has over 15 years experience running innovative, high-profile projects for corporates such as and Optus, government organisations such as Tourism Australia and the NSW Department for Education, as well as a range of small, dynamic startups. When away from the office, Martina can be found with her head in a good book, a scuba mask or working in the local community garden. She's also the proud mother of over 1,000 native bees!

Melinda Hilsenbeck

Job Titles:
  • Head of Strategy and Growth
Melinda has deep experience with digital transformation, experience and strategy, having joined us from Accenture Interactive, and she has worked with teams around the world . Melinda is excited to help our clients maximise their impact and tech investments while helping the firm scale. She loves exploring new restaurants and all the natural beauty that Sydney offers. She can also direct you to some of the best coffee around the office.

Shubham Singhal

Job Titles:
  • Developer
Motivated by a fascination of the human mind and how our minds can be mimicked by pieces of software, Shubham is currently completing a Masters Degree in Artificial Intelligence. He loves to program, and even in his spare time, he seeks ways to automate tasks and solve problems through code. Shubham also enjoys right brain thinking with a hobby in graphic design. In his free time, he is hitting nature trails and exploring the great outdoors.