Adrienne Robins

Job Titles:
  • Curator of Creative Communications
Like Paul, Adrienne started out as a journalist, but has spent more years than she'll admit in PR & marketing. Creative, enthusiastic, a little bit geeky (or maybe that's more than a bit) and a lover of lists to keep everyone on track, Adrienne's nose for a PR or social angle is better than a truffle hunting hound in forest.

Alex Bean

Job Titles:
  • Assistant Curator of Communications and Events
Alex joined the team direct from uni and hasn't had a moment to look back. Her days are now filled with copywriting and social media training - and lists. Always lots of lists. For her part, Alex is ensuring the office is well supplied with brownies (the edible type) and putting limits on the amount of time Paul insists on listening to BBC 6 Music.

Paul Sanderson

Job Titles:
  • Curator of Us and Events
Paul's background is in journalism, so it'll come as no surprise to hear his default setting is to challenge the status quo. In recent years he has developed new and creative events, and his eye for a venue means delegates are always impressed. Although back in his native Liverpool, he has lived in various place around the UK and abroad gaining lots of ideas along the way. He's got a way with words, and can chair a conference keeping even the most wayward of speakers on time and on track.