Dee Henderson-Haefner

Dee Henderson-Haefner was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer which had spread to her lymph nodes. Read about her journey with mistletoe...

Janet Park

Janet Park was diagnosed with colorectal cancer in December 2011. Read about her journey... I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer in Dec 2011. Following an operation to remove part of my colon, chemotherapy commenced. I had a very bad reaction to the initial dose so treatment was reduced by 50% and slower infusion recommended. After the 4th course of chemo, treatment was cancelled due to my intolerance to it. I was concerned that the amount of chemo that I had taken during that time may not have been entirely adequate.

Karen Milne

Karen Milne was diagnosed with breast cancer in July 2015, read about her journey with mistletoe...

Vanessa Carter

Vanessa was diagnosed with breast cancer. Read about her journey with mistletoe...

Wendy Mitchell

Wendy was diagnosed with breast cancer in September 2014. Read about her journey with mistletoe... My name is Wendy and I am 61 years young. I was first diagnosed with breast cancer in September 2014. However, I knew intuitively that I had cancer six months previously after discovering a lump in my breast. I took this time to consider the way forward and address lifestyle changes particularly diet. I had had very negative experiences of conventional medicine - in particular oncology. When breast cancer was confirmed (HER2+, oestrogen+ with lymph node involvement) I was shocked by the severity of my condition but politely declined the only choices made available to me at that time - viz. mastectomy, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. I wanted a therapy which would stimulate my immune system into recognising aberrant cells. Wellbeing and not years of chronic illness were my priorities. And so a serendipitous journey began .... I first became aware of Mistletoe Therapy through meeting a "friend of a friend" who mentioned it in passing conversation. A while later I came across the therapy again whilst I was attending a Cancer Mavericks workshop held in Mirfield, Yorkshire in February 2015. Back home, another chance recommendation brought mistletoe into focus yet again. Taking this as a sign I asked my GP to refer me to Camphill Wellbeing Trust (CWT) and so an appointment was made with Dr Stefan Geider.

Xavier Granier

Job Titles:
  • ENT Consultants