Alex Griffin

Job Titles:
  • Teacher Trainee, 3rd Year Teacher Training, Bachelor of Teaching ECE

Chantelle Routley-Diepeveen

Job Titles:
  • Teacher Trainee, 1st Year Teacher Training, Bachelor of Teaching ECE

Martha Evans

Job Titles:
  • Infant and Toddler Leader

Neil Choat

"Sofia has been attending Paihia Early Childhood Centre for the last 3 1/2 years. In this time she has been allowed to develop and learn important life skills and has thoroughly enjoyed herself. The staff have a very high level of professionalism and coupled with their friendly personal attention to detail. This making a huge influence on the person she is today. We are truly grateful to them all for this and can not speak highly enough of the organisation and the people. We totally recommend them to any parent, guardian or Care giver. When Sofia had her first week at school she quickly progressed to level 2, a testament to her learning and the high level of teaching she had received. We were impressed with this head start she has been given. Both Sofia and ourselves will miss their happy smiling faces but will never forget our time there."

Samantha Caldwell

Job Titles:
  • Team Leader

Stephen Pye

Stephen has a background in business management, communications and marketing and is involved in managing the centre and working with the teaching staff to develop the facilities and resources to support the delivery of a quality care and learning environment.