Rainier Trinidad

If you want to learn more about Rainier Trinidad, the person behind Parabolic Asset Management, please watch the brief video on the right panel, which captures the essence of the advisor who is committed to making a positive contribution to his community. And yes, while he looks young, this 48-year old has 24 years of investment management experience, spanning four bull markets and four bear markets. Rainier distinguished himself from his peers by profitably steering his hedge fund clients through the 2008 Financial Crisis (for perspective on how difficult it was to achieve this, in 2008, of the 2,800 mutual funds that Morningstar tracked, only 1 made money). In addition, he earned the prestigious CFA designation (Chartered Financial Analyst), which is often referred to as Wall Street's hardest exam, so he can perform at the highest level for his clients. He also earned the Certified Divorce Financial Analyst designation (CDFA), which makes him an expert on the financial aspects of divorce.

San Diego Fiduciary

Job Titles:
  • Financial Advisor