VET MEET - Key Persons

Nicola Di Girolamo

Job Titles:
  • Nicola Di Girolamo DVM, MSc ( EBHC ), PhD, DiplECZM ( Herp )
is an associate professor of Exotics and Zoological Medicine at Oklahoma State University, and immediate past-president of the Association of Exotic Mammal Veterinarians. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine and an associate editor of BMC Veterinary Research. Before moving to the US, Nicola has been employed as a veterinary specialist in Hong Kong at Tai Wai Small Animal & Exotics Hospital. Back in Italy, he performed his ECZM residency at the Clinic for Exotic Animals in Rome and he founded EBMVet, a study group on Evidence-based medicine. He completed a Master of Science in evidence-based healthcare at the university of Oxford and a PhD at the University of Bologna. Following that, he founded EBMVet, a study group on Evidence-based medicine. In his spare time he practices Brazilian Jujitsu, surf and chess.

Pamela Di Donato

Job Titles:
  • Pamela Di Donato DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECVDI
is a diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging and she owns a PhD degree. She studied at the Veterinary School of the University of Bologna from 2003 to 2008. She graduated with honours in veterinary medicine in November 2008. In 2009 she won a grant and spent 3-month period at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University, USA. In January 2010 she started her 3-year PhD program in Ultrasonography in Human and Veterinary Medicine at the University of Bologna obtaining the PhD degree in December 2012. Pamela worked as veterinary clinician in several Small Animal Practices in Italy and UK (2013-2016). In 2015 she did a rotating small animal Internship in a Specialist Veterinary Centre in UK. Dr. Di Donato joined Giessen University, Germany in 2016 to complete a 3-year ECVDI residency program. During her residency program she performed additional periods of training at other Universities (Gent, Bern, Zurich). In February 2020 she achieved the diploma of the European College of Veterinary Diagnostic imaging (ECVDI). After working for 1-year as a radiologist and resident supervisor at the Royal Veterinary Collage, University of London, UK and she joined ANTECH Imaging Services as a telemedicine consultant in diagnostic imaging. She is author of papers published in international peer reviewed journals. She is also a speaker of national and international continuing education courses and congresses in Diagnostic Imaging.

Patrick Kenny

Patrick Kenny's primary degree in Experimental Physics was awarded by Trinity College Dublin (TCD) in 1982. His Master's degree (Physical Sciences in Medicine) was also awarded by TCD. He received his PhD in computational physics from University College Dublin (UCD) in 2001. In 1984 he began working as a medical physicist at the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Dublin. Between 1998 and 2020 he was chief physicist at the Mater. He is also an Associate Clinical Professor at UCD. His main teaching experience is with the Faculty of Radiologists' training program in Dublin. He co-ordinates the Faculty's International physics training program. His other current teaching duties include UCD postgraduate courses for radiographers and medical physicists. Dr Kenny's main research interests are the development of efficient metrics for routine assessment of radiological image quality. His most recent publication: "A novel quantitative measure of image quality in fluoroscopy", was published in the European Journal of Medical Physics (March 2020).

Pieter Nelissen

Pieter gained his diplomate status in 2012 and has since been working as a soft tissue surgeon. At present he is employed as the head of soft tissue surgery at Tierklinik Haar. He is the author of many publications and book chapters and has presented at multiple national and international conferences.

Swan Specchi

Swan worked at the Istituto Veterinario di Novara from 2014 to 2017. He is author and co-author of papers published in international peer reviewed journals with particular interest in vascular imaging. He is a speaker and director of many national and international continuing education courses and congresses in Diagnostic Imaging.