Aakanksha Kulkarni

Job Titles:
  • UX Designer
Aakanksha is a UX designer with wide range of experiences - she graduated as a product designer, followed by a 4-year stint making films as an assistant director! Deeply passionate about learning about various subjects, humans and the world at large, she believes that with great knowledge comes great design. She loves camping (especially if there's a lake around), chilling by the beach, playing badminton and meditating. A trained Bharatnatyam dancer, Aakanksha sees dance as a form of expression and a way to unwind. She can binge-watch Naruto and Seinfeld anywhere, any time. She also loves spicy food, and hates fruits - so now you know what to offer her at the lunch table!

Adarsh Balasankar

Job Titles:
  • Designer
  • UX Designer
Adarsh is a UX designer with a background in visual communication. He is driven by curiosity and loves to experiment with design solutions. Besides design, he belives that he'd do really well in a course on Star Wars. He enjoys sketching, Sudoku and Lego. Adarsh is a complete foodie, and loves to sample everyone's dabba. He's also got a knack for making foil figures - so if your food comes wrapped in some, he's sure to use it to make something unique!

Ajit Joe Pan

Job Titles:
  • Manager, Business Development
Ajit is a business development whiz armed with over 8 years of experience in the field, along with marketing and solutioning. He has worked across various industries - BFSI, manufacturing, logistics and edtech. He believes the best solutions come from a deep understanding of the organization and its pain points. He is passionate about increasing the overall growth of an organization through a seamless, meaningful user experience. Ajit loves to explore new cultures and travel, especially when it's by road. He loves to engage in conversations with people, so if you're visiting the office, he's more than happy to have a nice, long chat.

Anisha Nath

Job Titles:
  • UX Designer
Anisha is a UX designer with a background in visual communication. Empathetic with an open mind, she is good at understanding people and approaching problems from different perspectives. In her free time, Anisha can be found binge-watching Anime and Korean dramas, or reading fantasy books when reality gets boring. She's a great listener, in case you need to vent. She's also a complete foodie who loves sampling different cuisines, and she's brutally honest - so maybe you'd like to think twice before you let her try out something you've cooked for lunch?

Arushi Sethi

Job Titles:
  • Senior Lead UX Designer
  • UX Designer and Illustrator
Arushi is a UX designer and illustrator with a background in visual communication and product design. She has worked with various types of organizations, from independent design studios to a huge online retailer, across different types of sectors, right from music to education to beauty. With a knack for crafting elegant solutions for the most complex problems, she believes in a thorough understanding of the user, design and product goals to impact business. A people's person, Arushi is driven by the positive vibes around the office. She loves music, dogs, traveling (specifically back-packing), watching UFC, meditating, cooking ambitious meals and playing football. She also plays her own version of Tetris - changing the layout of her home every 2 weeks.

Atmaja Patel

Job Titles:
  • UX Designer
Atmaja is a UX designer with a background in product design. A complete people's person, she loves to understand people, learn about their stories, experiences and cultures. Passionate about solving problems, she believes that the research phase is the foundation of any successful design intervention. Atmaja loves learning something new - she's currently learning morse code and trying to become a Productivityist! Atmaja enjoys yoga, long treks and jungle safaris. When she's not working at her desk, you'll find her reading a book in a cosy corner of the office.

Charu Chaudhari

Job Titles:
  • Lead UX Designer
A UX designer with a Master's in Informatics, Charu aims to find simple and creative solutions to complex problems. Curious and analytical, she's always asking questions - design-related and otherwise. A jack and master of all trades, Charu's hobbies include reading, writing, photography, music, gardening, and engaging in discussions on these topics. She is passionate about sustainability and hopes to incorporate sustainable practices in her daily life. When she's not working, you might find her taking a walk, listening to music, thinking about her travel plans… or all of that, together!

Harshal Tote

Job Titles:
  • Associate
  • Partner
Harshal is ZEUX's resident Unicorn, and yes, he exists. He conducts user research, usability tests, designs, prototypes, develops HTMLs and manages projects at ZEUX. An overall experience of 16+ years has led him to work with brands across industries, including banking, finance, fintech, e-learning, fashion and e-commerce. His ability to speak tech and human languages ensures that business, design and development teams can work together to deliver optimum digital experiences. Harshal's quick and deep understanding of new systems and coding keeps designers happy and tech constraints at bay. He loves dogs, and has three right in his backyard! He also loves playing football, cricket, PUBG, CounterStrike and "tasting" his colleagues lunch dabbas.

Hemal Gathani - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
  • UX Design Leader
An outcome-driven UX design leader, Hemal has over 18 years of experience in UX consulting and training globally, with a proven track record of achieving business goals. He has led 100+ design projects from inception to final delivery, relentless in his pursuit of providing real business outcomes. He mentors and leads teams comprising of analysts, researchers, designers and developers, and heads the sales and business development vertical, making sure that ZEUX continues to work with some amazing brands. Hemal is extremely passionate about wildlife photography, traveling, food and subjecting his team to his super funny jokes (to keep them motivated, of course) every now and then.

Khushnaz Master

Khushnaz is a product designer with a penchant for leaving no stone unturned in the quest for the best design solution. She enjoys blending her design skills with her commitment to sustainability. Khushnaz is manifesting a very ‘Eat, Pray, Love' lifestyle for herself - surrounding herself by nature, discovering new experiences, exploring different cuisines. She loves making lists, practicing yoga, shopping, live music and karaoke (despite her singing skills… or lack of). Khushnaz is clued in on every sale and every deal - so hit her up in case you're looking for the best one. Expect to find her at her desk with her emotional support water bottle… it accompanies her wherever she goes!

Kishor Dasari

Job Titles:
  • Developer With a Bachelor 's Degree & Diploma
  • Lead Programmer
Kishor is a developer with a Bachelor's Degree & Diploma in Web and Graphic Design, with over 13+ years' work experience in the IT industry, which includes web design, usability, front-end development and search engine optimisation. He has a strong foundation across multiple design and development platforms. A keen learner, he is always on the lookout for new technologies. His understanding of usability design and HTML structures ensures that he delivers outputs that go beyond just meeting business expectations. When he's not working, Kishor loves playing carrom and cricket.

Krishna Kiran

Job Titles:
  • Lead UX Designer
Krishna holds a Masters in Design, and immense experience working with design systems in the fintech domain. His strength as a designer lies in being completely open-minded and a penchant for story-telling and visual aesthetics. An avid gamer, he also enjoys doodling and traveling. Krishna's usually ready to face any surprise encounters - by convincing someone is watching him at all times. But don't ask him how that works, he might zone out just thinking about it!

Leeza Mundaden

Job Titles:
  • Lead UX Designer
After starting off as an artist and sculptor, scoring a degree in International Finance and working in Human Resources, Leeza finally found her ikigai in UX Design. Passionate about people, Leeza loves understanding their feelings and motivations through deep conversations and connections. She tends to be a perfectionist, even if that means losing out on a few hours of sleep. She enjoys drinking tea, reading crime thrillers and learning to sing in languages she can't speak. A complete animal lover, her worst nightmare is a world without them. She's also a hoarder, so if you're ever looking for anything- right from glue to glitter to a very specific kind of container - you know who to go to!

Lenosca Mascarenhas

Lenosca is a highly creative and multi-talented designer with a background in UX, multimedia, marketing and print design. She is also a proud, self-taught visual artists who loves working with different media. Lenosca truly enjoys solving problems, big or small. Besides design problems, she's also passionate about solving just about any other problem - whether it's a game, or just trying to find the villain who stole her sandwich! P.S. You know who to head to if you're faced with just about ANY problem.

Manasvi Dharaskar

Job Titles:
  • Designer
  • UX Designer
Manasvi is a UX designer with a background in applied arts and graphic design. Eager to learn and experience, she believes that UX design is her true calling. She is passionate about creating design solutions that can truly help people. A self-driven ambivert, she believes in givers gain. Manasvi loves nature - hailing from Nagpur, her proximity to national parks ensures she's in the midst of forests and wildlife often. She also loves traveling and baking. A keen wildilife photographer, she'd love to share some photographs of the tigers of Tadoba with you!

Muneesh Kapoor

Job Titles:
  • Technology Architect
With 13+ years of hands-on experience in UI development, Muneesh has worked on a wide array of projects, independently and as part of a team involving designers, developers, copywriters and testers to deliver digital experiences that are functional, aesthetic and usable. His deep understanding of both user-centered design and technology results in creating a harmony between design and tech. Muneesh is a Sudoku enthusiast and news buff. With his knowledge of anything and everything, both work and non-work related, he's basically the human version of Google, without the network issues.

Niyati Shah

Job Titles:
  • UX Designer
Niyati is a UX designer with a background in visual communication and a penchant for cheese. She is fascinated by different cultures and their customs, values and experiences. She believes that design is effective only when it resonates with the intended audience. Niyati enjoys reading, painting, photography and occasionally dabbling in film-making. She can eat cheese anytime, anywhere - so we ensure that our pantry is always loaded and ready to raid!

Omkar Jadhav

Job Titles:
  • Full Stack Developer
Omkar is a full-stack developer with a passion for solving technical challenges and building scalable and efficient web applications. He has worked on several projects across various industires, and is always looking to learn and skill up. Omkar is enthusiastic about the 4 C's - coding, cricket, cooking and Counter Strike. He's also an avid bike rider - so if you're looking for some roadtrip inspo, you know who to go to!

Parthhavi Mehta

Job Titles:
  • Designer
  • UX Designer
Parthhavi is a UX designer and full-time foodie. A print-and-pixel enthusiast, her experience as a graphic designer resulted in a smooth shift to the world of user experience design. Besides design, Parthhavi's hobbies include photography and reading. She's also a serial napper (not on the job, of course). A complete foodie, her favourite dish is literally anything with noodles in it, so she'd be most happy to share your bowl of Maggi any time, anywhere.

Priya Bhatki

Job Titles:
  • UX Designer
Priya is a UX designer with a background in architecture, spacial and graphic design. She believes loves to explore patterns and derive meaningful solutions, striving for a balance between process and result, functionality and aesthetics. When she's not designing, you'll finding her dancing, painting (all things including her nails), or playing badminton. She's also a passionate illustrator and an avid traveler, who experiences the structural beauty of architectural marvels across the world by standing bang in the centre of them!

Rahil Vadsariya

Job Titles:
  • Marketing Manager
Rahil is ZEUX's marketing maven and spreader of cheerful energy. Armed with 4.5 years of experience helping brands build a presence through various channels, Rahil is proficient in practically all aspects of digial marketing, with his core strength lying in copywriting and strategy. He is passionate about implementing unconventional strategies and making a real difference. When he's not working, you'll find him volunteering, playing tabletennis or writing poetry. Enthusiastic in most situations, he is a complete people's person. Head on down to the office - we're sure he'll tell you more!

Rajendra Holmane

Job Titles:
  • Lead Programmer
Rajendra has over 13 years of experience in the digital industry, starting his career in emailer development and working his way through developing webpages and templates across various devices. His has a strong technical background, constantly learning the latest trends in technology. His work spans various industries, such as banking, insurance, telecommunications and real estate. At ZEUX, he coordinates with teams and clients to understand and ensure the functionality of websites and provide guidance to development teams. Some of his hobbies include reading historical and philosophical books, swimming and participating in cultural activities. A sports enthusiast, Rajendra enjoys playing table-tennis, cricket and kabaddi.

Ritusri Halambi

Job Titles:
  • Designer
  • UX Designer
Ritusri is a UX designer with a background in visual communication. She believes that every part of life is crafting a "user experience" - right from having a meal at a restaurant to organizing clothes in her closet. Apart from design, she enjoys visiting different restaurants and sampling various cuisines, photography and spending time with her family. You'd also find her grooving to Bollywood music or aimlessly scrolling through shopping apps and reels… while devouring a Cadbury Silk all by herself. You'd also probably find her mobile phone lying around, so if you need a new phone, just keep your eyes open!

Riya Rathod

Job Titles:
  • Lead UX Designer
Riya is a designer with a background in print media, visual branding and user experience design. She believes that design is about problem solving and inclusivity, both of which present an exciting challenge. Riya enjoys travelling and experiencing unique cultures. She does NOT enjoy being around bees or butterflies. Riya is our resident mixologist - she loves to concoct various cocktails with different spirits, mixers and flavours - so you'll always find her surrounded and us with some delicious drinks at every party!

Rohit Shitole

Job Titles:
  • Senior Manager, Business Development
Good design is like gravity - it can pull everyone in. Rohit is our business and marketing maestro, armed with over 10 years in sales and business development. His expertise lying in cultivating business opportunities and driving growth intiatives. He believes that a good relationship is the key to closing good deals. Besides work, Rohit is deeply passionate about sports (all kinds, investing, and the wonders of space. Also, watch out - he's a real prankster and is probably cooking up his next prank right now!

Sanket Biswas

Job Titles:
  • Lead UX Designer
Design is Sanket's true calling! He believes good design stems from a free mind, and that designers make the world a better place. He is particularly drawn towards sustainability, and feels that circular systems are the future. Sanket loves reading fantasy novels and traveling - especially experiencing indigenous cultures and cuisines. His superpower is bad hand-eye coordination and his sense of humour. You'll always find him with a can of Coke and a bag of chips. P.S. He also loves to share.

Saumya Singh

Job Titles:
  • Digital Marketing Executive
"People are experiences designed by nature; designs are experiences crafted by mimicking nature." Saumya is ZEUX's marketing maven, working at the intersection of strategy, creativity and tech. She crafts content and ensures we're at the right place, at the right time, in front of the right set of eyes. Armed with 4 years of experience in the digital landscape of marketing and advertising, she has a keen understanding of people and their contexts. Through her work, she hopes to understand and practice conscious consumption and creation. Saumya enjoys movies and food, especially from different cultures. She has recently learnt to crochet cute bags and outfits. When she's not at her desk, you'll find her talking to cats on the streets in weird voices, or cutting out plant stems from other people's houses for propagation. (Don't worry, she usually asks.

Saurabh Gupta - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
An alumnus of NID with 18+ years of experience in the design and innovation industry, Saurabh is on the list of Top 50 Most Innovative Leaders in India. He has established, mentored and successfully led design and innovation teams to deliver award-winning solutions for start-ups and Fortune 500 companies across the globe. Armed with his deep understanding of design and human psychology, Saurabh is extremely passionate about leveraging UX as a strategic differentiator and solving complex problems that can lead to a measurable impact. A talented musician, the team looks forward to his weekly live sessions in the office. He also plays tennis, football and Counter Strike - all of which he or his team end up winning!

Shikha Kapoor

Job Titles:
  • Head, Talent Management
Shikha is the Talent Management Czar and Coffee Connoisseur at ZEUX. Her expertise lies in talent acquisition and management, operations, employee engagement, policies and procedures, compliances, analytics, reporting and automation - and that's just the professional side of it! When she's not at work, you'll find her planning a holiday, binge watching Netflix, listening to 90's music or exploring new cuisines. She loves traveling, especially road trips where she's at the wheel. She believes in discovering new cities as a local, rather than a tourist.

Shivani Bansod

Job Titles:
  • Senior Executive - Talent Management
Shivani is in charge of hiring the best talents at ZEUX. A complete people person, her expertise lies in talent management, employee relations, organization development and analytics. Shivani is a dog lover, and has three beautiful Indies at home. Passionate about art and music, Shivani loves fibre art and listening to music. She's also a talented singer and dancer. Her favourite food is any and all kinds of chips - so you know what she's bringing to office every other day!

Shreya Sinha

Job Titles:
  • UX Designer
Shreya is a UX designer with a background in Product Design. Creative, intuitive and highly motivated, she has known she'd be part of the design world since she was 12 years old. She believes creativity, design and innovation give her the most happiness, and she's always eager to learn more. Besides design, she exercises her creative muscles by making hand-poured scented soy wax candles and painting. She also loves cooking - she doesn't just "hang out" with her friends, they cook together every weekend! And we're hoping to sample the results of that on a Monday…

Shubh Arora

Job Titles:
  • UX Designer
Shubh is a UX designer with a background in visual communication and a strong desire to design for change. His super power is the ability to talk to anyone, and that always comes in handy while solving design problems. A complete tech geek, he loves reading about new technology and digital products. In fact, his day starts off with testing out digital products online. He's always rocking a cap, so he's quite easy to spot around the office. A coffee connoisseur, he tries out different coffee roasters every month. "How much caffeine is too much caffeine?" Shubh will find out!

Sneha Sowmiyanarayanan

Job Titles:
  • UX Designer
Sneha is a UX designer with a passion for design, writing and singing. She loves exploring different domains of design and its endless possibilities. She believes that her sense of empathy is her greatest strength, and is the anchor of her creative process. Her passion for design and writing helps her convey her ideas and stories to the rest of the world. When she's not designing, Sneha enjoys doodling, binge-watching cooking videos, jamming to retro Tamil music or playing the keyboard. Her favourite food is a delicious, steaming bowl of rasam rice. She's also obsessed with clicking aesthetic pictures of anything and everything - so you might find her honing her photography skills in the lake-facing balcony.

Sudarshan Sundar

Job Titles:
  • Senior UX Designer
  • UX Designer
Sudarshan is a UX designer with a background in industrial design and a passion to learn, explore and expand his knowledge across different disciplines. A silent observer, he is keen on understanding how people think and behave. Besides design, Sudarshan is passionate about sports and fitness. He enjoys going on bike rides, trekking and travelling. One of ZEUX's most talented football players, you're surely going to want him on your team!

Sugesh Sugathan

Job Titles:
  • Associate
  • Partner
Sugesh dons many hats at ZEUX - UX Lead, Dark Humour Consultant, Party Planner and (harmless) Prankster. A graduate from Parsons School of Design, he has over 8 years of experience delivering innovative, user-centered design solutions. He has led strategic efforts to build products for established brands across sectors such as banking, real estate, fashion, retail, EdTech and sports. Sugesh possesses the ability to weave research, user motivations and business goals into a cohesive experience across footprints. He is a seasoned bass head and movie buff with a large appetite for anime and action flicks. He is also passionate about comedy, and has volunteered to host a ZEUX Open Mic. What better opportunity to roast the team, right?

Tanvi Purohit

Job Titles:
  • Principal UX Designer
Tanvi has 8 years of experience creating brand experiences in both the physical and digital world, across industries that include telecommunications, FMCG, lifestyle, alcohol, fashion, electronics, banking, travel, sports and e-commerce. Trained in visual communication, she believes in a cohesive brand experience, and with an appetite to learn, she seamlessly switched from retail and branding to UX. Tanvi's design solutions are a balance between functionality and aesthetic, with the user's emotions at the core. She loves the sun, beach vacations, swimming, intense workouts, writing, experimenting with art, spicy food and easy-to-make desserts. Tanvi is a crazy CatDog lady, and is 100% likely to share photos and random information about her pets and other animals she encounters on the streets.

Vanshika Jain

Job Titles:
  • UX Designer
Vanshika is a UX designer and resident Snack Savant (she has recommendations for a snack for every mood). With a keen eye for detail, she believes in balance - following the design process to the tee, while leaving just enough room to break the rules to come up with a unique design solution. Vanshika is also an illustrator who enjoys creating and reading about fine arts. She undertakes multiple passion projects to hone her skills. She's a punmaster, cracks the best jokes in office AND has a constantly evolving collection of memes and reels to share… so you know who to go to when you've got a little free time.

Vysali Somanchi

Job Titles:
  • UX Researcher and Designer
A UX researcher and designer, Vysali has worked across different design disciplines, including jewellery and furniture, before undertaking her Master's in Design for Interaction from Delft University of Technology. Exploring different aspects of design across various cultures has helped her hone her research and visual communication skills. In her free time, she enjoys watching thrillers and reading mysteries. Vysali also loves cooking, decorating rooms and organizing - she's an expert at making lists. In fact, she has a list of all the lists she's made! She's extremely scared of pigeons, and prefers to get the lake view from the centre of the office.