SKATES.CO.UK - Key Persons

Boaz Hughes

Boaz, has ridden for for a number of years. He's a rider with a huge range of tricks, including double backflips and many technical tricks too, moving towards more of a street riding style.

Jake Taylor

Jake is one of the UK legends of the sport, we're so happy to see him riding again, killing it with big tricks! He's had his own signature deck of the years with Elite, and continues to ride both seriously and for fun! He's ridden for many of the top brands in the sport and we're delighted he's chosen to ride for ourselves also.

Jay Sweet

Jay is well on his way to becoming one of the very top UK riders. He features a huge Tiktok following, and is well-liked by all that know him.....he's not a bad rider too, having recently won 1st place in big trick at Scoot GB's Rush Skatepark event.

Joshi Chapel

The mini grom rider of the team - Joshi has been with us since near his beginning in the sport. An amazing young rider for his age! We're so excited to see him develop.....and his supportive Dad's alright too ;-)

Lewie Robinson

Lewie is a widely respected UK rider and in the past has ridden for some of the sports biggest brands including Grit. He's a big rider that loves to land big tricks!

Logan Orchard

Logan is one of the most ambitious and improved riders in the UK scene in the last year. His riding is simply insane and his desire to push himself to the next level is awesome. As a result he can land some of the best big tricks around.

Morgan Jones

Morgan has been part of the since his early days as a developing young rider, to the level now where he's internationally known and sponsored by the best scooter brand in the world - Apex, amongst others!

Phoenix Evans

Phoenix is rated as the top rider in Wales, his skills and talent for big tricks mean he usually spends more time upside down than the right way up. It's a matter of time before more recognition comes his way.